Da Vinci Universal Treatment Protocols

Da Vinci Universal Treatment Protocols

The DA VINCI UNIVERSAL TREATMENT  PROTOCOLS  consist of a number of carefully chosen detoxification and treatment protocols that are greatly beneficial to chronically-ill patients and can facilitate a rapid recovery.

These treatments are many and are done in sequence, much like going around from treatment to treatment in a “circuit” – there are many detoxification modalities, as well as other healing modalities that the patient can complete in a morning or afternoon, usually taking between 3 – 4 hours in total.

Specifically, the DA VINCI UNIVERSAL TREATMENT PROTOCOLS consist of the following:

1. INFRARED SAUNA – this is a different type of sauna using infrared lamps that have the ability to remove fat-soluble organic and inorganic toxins such as toxic metals and other organic xenobiotics.

2. OZONE SAUNA – ozone gets pumped into the open sauna unit while the patient sits comfortably enjoying the heat. Ozone is very oxygenating to the body as it is absorbed through the skin into the blood and pathogens hate it.

3. MATRIX REGENERATION THERAPY (MRT) – this is a form of bioresonance therapy that has the ability to remove toxins from deep in the cell and gets sucked out into the mesenchyme – really deep cleansing results. A mild lymphatic drainage follows this using a variety of essential oils.

4. IONIZER DETOX FOOTBATHS – this is a special foot bath based on ionisation that can actually remove a variety of toxic metals and possibly other chemicals from the sole of the feet – this has been scientifically assessed in laboratory research for mercury which it can successfully chelate.

5. ORGONE ACCUMULATOR – sit passively in an Orgone Accumulator, originally made by Dr. Wilhelm Reich and benefit from this positive Orgone energy.

6. PAPIMI THERAPY – this is a powerful Pulsing Electromagnetic Frequency (PEMF) device that helps each cell to regain its normal voltage or Transmembrane Potential (TMP), which is between 70-100mV. It is extremely powerful and effective at eliminating swelling and inflammation, but also rebalancing any tissues and organ systems in the body.

These are the basic treatments that are done in the Da Vinci Holistic Health Centre, but other treatments can be added to suit patient requirements such as oxygen therapies, Su Jok acupuncture, Chakra balancing and more.

7. RIFE BIORESONANCE THERAPY – the Rife Resonace device has been used for many years for treating chronic diseases. The device can be used to help clean the body of a variety of harmful microorganisms using the principle of bioresonance.

8. LOW INTENSITY LAZER THERAPY – this is used for the repolarization of Scar and Tooth Foci – any tooth and scar foci picked up on the IDEL Diagnostic Programme will be neutralized by being treated with a soft lazer. Can also be used for any inflammation and pain conditions.

9. LIVE O2 or EWOT (exercise with oxygen therapy) is a method of breathing higher levels of oxygen during exercise in order to increase the amount of oxygen in your blood plasma. If done correctly EWOT can produce many desired effects in as little as 15 minutes a few times a week.

When you deliver and utilise more oxygen to your cells you:

  • Increase the energetic status and efficiency of your entire body
  • Experience improvement in tissue and organ function
  • Stimulate your immune system, reducing the probability of future illness
  • Reduce inflammation in the body, starting with the vascular system and joints
  • Produce the energy of youth, creating short-term health and vitality

10. ACTIVATED AIR – Activated Air uses only the oxygen present in the air we already breathe. Instead of giving the body more oxygen, Activated Air energetically reorganises existing oxygen to make it significantly more bioavailable.  In fact, Activated Air mimics photosynthesis, in which ordinary oxygen is pumped into a higher energy state through the sunlight and organic catalysts.

11. BIOMAT – the Biomat has three primary therapeutic components, each of which contributes to the effectiveness of the product. These therapeutic components are:

  • The generation of Far Infrared Rays (FIR)
  • The generation of Negative Ions
  • Focusing this energy through a matrix of Amethyst Crystal

The deep penetrating power of Far Infrared Rays stimulates every system of the body from the inside out. As Infrared is radiated into the body, it resonates with the frequencies of organic molecules and cells causing them to vibrate, heat up and expand. In turn, blood vessels, capillaries, nerve endings and organelles expand, making the body feel fully charged and energized in just the same way a bell struck at regular intervals vibrates and moves faster and faster. This causes a net increase in metabolism helping cells to divide faster, nervous signals to move faster and healing to occur at a much accelerated rate

The Negative Ions stimulate all of the cell membranes of the body causing their ion channels to become active. This helps to alkalize all cells by removing cellular waste and toxins. Negative Ions also convert cells from “Fight or Flight” (Stress) mode, to Reproductive, Normal Functioning (Happy) Mode causing a sense of Deep Relaxation in the mind and body. Just as negative ions clean our air, they also clean out our cells.

Amethyst Crystals have been known to deliver both infrared and negative ions naturally. In this case the Amethyst crystal is not only used to focus the FIR energy of the Biomat but also helps to calm and protect the mind and nervous system.

This combination of therapy using FIR and Negative Ions traveling through a matrix of amethyst crystal delivers healing frequencies to the body creating a unique method of accelerated cellular regeneration which aids in many different modalities of healing.

These therapeutic components of the Biomat works to remove blockages creating better communication between the brain, the autonomic and sympathetic nervous systems and all organs of the body to balance and stabilize the bodies systems and strengthen the body’s own self-healing power.


When the Heart field is coherent, the energy and information sent to the Body results in improved health and well being, better performance at work, improvement in relationships, increased problem-solving abilities, intuition, and much more. In other words, when images in the Mind (thought + feeling) are Love-based, the Body benefits in many ways.

At the Da Vinci Centre, patients going through the Da Vinci Universal Treatment protocols will also learn about the importance of the mind-heart connection through a series of videos. In addition, they will have the opportunity to practice achieving this beautiful state of being by practicing using the emWave® educational self-regulation technology and the tools and techniques of the HeartMath System, incorporating over 23 years of scientific research on the psychophysiology of stress, emotions and heart-brain interactions.

All these treatments are combined in one treatment circuit lasting about 4 hours – the overall effect is synergistic, where 1 + 1 does not equal 2 but much more.

All these treatments will help to remove inflammation, open up detoxification organs, increase the Trans Membrane Potential of cells and organs, deeply detoxifying and affecting all levels of health, including the psychoemotional and the Spiritual.

Depending on each individual case, there are other therapies that can be combined, but these are optional and charged extra accordingly – these include:

Contact us or book an appointment now.

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