Causes of Disease
There should be some logic to approaching any type of chronic disease whether it be chronic migraines or cancer. Most people agree that it is important to identify and eliminate the CAUSES of the disease, before making any attempt to treat.
Most medical doctors are more interested in labelling the symptoms, called a diagnosis, and then using drugs, surgery or radiation to suppress these symptoms. In most cases this may be achieved, but if the causes to these symptoms are still present, then it is only a matter of time before further symptoms appear that are worse than the initial ones. Over time this process leads to further degeneration and chronicity.
At the Da Vinci Centre we are interested in identifying and eliminating these causes as we believe that this is the only way to successfully treat the patient, not just the symptoms. After all, the real dis-ease are all the causes, not just the symptoms.
The Da Vinci Centre’s Treatments are based on the concept:
* Chronic diseases, including tumours do not develop in a healthy body with healthy defence, repair and regulatory functions.
* Chronic disease, including cancer is encouraged by a specific internal environment which promotes its growth.
* This environment develops due to multiple causes and conditions which vary from one individual to the other, this is why identifying and eliminating these causes is so important.
* These causes usually remain chronically active even after suppression of the symptoms or removal of the tumour by surgery, radiation, and/or chemotherapy. Hence, the high percentage of recurrence.

Dr Georgiou, the Director of the Da Vinci Centre, uses the analogy of a gardener looking at his sick apple tree with yellow leaves and thinking what to do. If the gardener grabs a pair of scissors and cuts off the yellow leaves, the chances are that the following month the tree will produce even more yellow leaves.
The logical approach would be for the gardener to ask himself why the tree has sprouted yellow leaves and begin identifying the causes: soil deficiencies, fungus in the root, parasite infestation, toxic soil and so forth. Once these causes are identified and eliminated, then the tree will drop its yellow leaves and become healthy again.
This is the approach that we take at the Da Vinci Centre – we test for the underlying causes of the symptoms and try to understand WHY they have their diagnosed disease. What we often come up with is a myriad of different causative factors – there is never a chronic disease with only one cause – here are some of the causative factors that we often identify in many patients:
- Food intolerances or allergies
- Systemic Candidiasis
- Tooth Foci
- Scar Foci
- Spinal Subluxations
- Parasites and Worms
- Bacteria/Viral loads
- Toxic Metals
- Toxic gut
- Toxic body
- Electromagnetic stress
- Geopathic stress
- Urinalyis – cellular metabolism in the tissues and organs of the body.
- Pancreatic enzyme insufficiency
- Hydrochloric acid insufficiency (hypochlorhydria)
- Thyroid functioning
- Status of white blood cells in living blood
- Status of red blood cells in living blood
- Nutritional deficiencies from living blood
- Organ functioning (energetic) and pathogenesis of organ dysfunction
- Psychoemotional stress
- Spiritual issues and systemic entanglements
- Dehydration
- Inflammation or organ systems using thermography
- Poor, junk diet
All these factors and more are usually identified using the IDEL DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAMME, a comprehensive series of functional tests that take about 5-hours to complete. In this period the therapist also has time to get to know the psychoemotional and spiritual issues that may also play a role in the pathogenesis of disease.
One of the main reasons why most patients get worse and worse over time, no matter what treatment has been tried, is that the causative factors to their disease are still present – no-one has really made any effort to identify them, let alone eliminate them.
The body can only repair and rebuild with natural therapies AFTER the causes are identified and eliminated.
If you still do not know the reasons behind your chronic disease and feel that it is important to identify these, then please complete the PATIENT ASSESSMENT FORM and send this directly to us – we will respond with a ‘plan of action’ regarding how we can help.
Learn more by reading Dr Georgiou’s 23 health books.
Contact us or book an appointment now.