Natural DiagnosticsHolistic Diagnostics

The IDEL diagnostic program developed by Dr. George Georgiou represents a paradigm shift in health assessment and treatment. By combining advanced diagnostic technologies with a holistic and integrative approach, the IDEL program offers patients a comprehensive assessment of their health and personalized treatment protocols. This approach aims to address the root causes of health issues, promote balance, and support the body’s innate healing abilities. Patients who undergo the IDEL diagnostic program can benefit from a deeper understanding of their health, early detection of imbalances, and individualized interventions that contribute to enhanced well-being and longevity.

The Da Vinci Holistic Health Centre specializes in the treatment of chronic diseases by first assessing the causative factors using functional testing or Holistic Diagnostics, not often used by medical doctors. These tests are designed to identify the causative factors underlying the patient’s symptoms – once they are identified then they can be eliminated using various natural treatment protocols.

Here are some of the testing procedures and protocols used at the Da Vinci Centre – they can either be used individually or as part of the IDEL Diagnostic Programme:

1. HEALTH HISTORY – listening to the patient is a lost art for both allopathic and alternative practitioners, but the most important health clues start here. The PATIENT ASSESSMENT FORM is read carefully and all other medical reports from your medical practitioner are all taken into account to get a fuller understanding of potential causative factors.

Iridology2.IRISANALYSIS – a special iris microscope and high-resolution photograph with software analysis is used to study the iris of the eye which has its own topography or map so the practitioner is able to determine a number of health conditions that may be developing such as inflammation in body tissues and organs, the hereditary weaknesses, the constitution or our genetic ‘dowry,’ toxicity in the body, spinal subluxations, degeneration in organs and tissues and much more.


The VEGA Expert is a special measuring device that can detect the energetic balance of organs, and tissues, and help to determine the following: 

a) Food Intolerance – these can cause a number of health problems as they can cause the immune system to secrete immunoglobulins and inflammatory chemicals such as cytokinines and Prostaglandins-2. This is why it is very important in the majority of health problems to determine the specific food intolerances that each person has using VEGA testing.

b) Organ Functioning – X-rays, MRI and CAT scans look at the morphology or structure of the organs and tissues, but they do not tell us much about the functioning of the organ systems. Using VEGA and Autonomic Response Testing (ART) it is possible to determine the FUNCTIONING of all the organ systems of the body, as well as determining the pathogenesis of disease.

Detoxification Systemsc) Detoxification Systems – this will include the liver, the kidneys, and the lymphatic system, plus the gut and skin. If these detoxification organs are not functioning correctly then the numerous toxins in the body will accumulate over time causing high levels of toxicity, an imbalance in the pH of the tissues, as well as general congestion and deposition.

d) Nutritional Deficiencies – deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and particularly fatty acids are to be found in nearly everyone unless they are eating a completely organic diet and their digestive system is optimized. Most often it is related to a bad, impoverished diet – eating foods that are not rich in nutrients which cover most “fast foods”, digestive problems, and poor absorption of nutrients and needs to be addressed as the digestive organs are the “heart” of the other organs as they feed them.

e) Candida & Yeast – Candida is a common yeast found in many people, but when there is an abuse of antibiotics and other drugs the normal yeast can convert to the pathological, mycelial form which can liberate 79 toxins into the body. The Da Vinci Center has successfully treated more than 5,000 cases of Candida.

f) Parasites – jokingly we call these the “uninvited guests” but we can see that patients are horrified when they can actually see them on a monitor from just one drop of blood, as well as begin detectable using bioresonance diagnostics! These are so common it would not be an exaggeration to say that they can be found in everyone.

g) Bacteria and Viruses – sometimes these bacteria and viruses are active, while other times they are residual but can produce low-grade infections that just linger and need to be stimulated out of the body. Sometimes, depending on the state of the internal milieu, there could be stealth microorganisms that have the ability to change forms the more toxic and imbalanced our body’s become.

h) Scar & Tooth Foci – if there are scars from surgery or accidents, these can block meridians which can affect organ systems. Scars can act as “impulse generators” therefore unbalancing the delicate electromagnetic fields of the body. Tooth Foci – very few people are aware that there is an acupuncture meridian going through each tooth – if there is an undetected infection in a root canal (dead teeth with nerves removed), amalgam fillings, cavitations (infection within the jaw bone), periodontal disease – all these can affect the health and function of the internal organs. These tooth foci need to be carefully identified, and we test each tooth and record the findings.

i) Geopathic and Electromagnetic Stress – these are strong fields generated by underground waterways, disturbed land masses, and computers and other electrical equipment that again can adversely imbalance the functioning of the body. Once their source has been identified Tachyon Energized products are used to eliminate them.

j) Hormone Deficiencies – if there are general deficiencies, then these can be investigated more specifically and cross-correlated with the specific endocrine gland. Often toxins, Candida, parasites, and viruses can be some of the causes of hormone deficiencies, so these need to be addressed before intervening with the hormonal system directly.


Autonomic Response Testing (ART) is a non-invasive diagnostic technique developed by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt. It involves assessing changes in the autonomic nervous system, which regulates involuntary bodily functions, in response to various stimuli. ART aims to uncover hidden stressors, imbalances, and energetic disturbances that may contribute to the development and progression of disease.

Autonomic Response Testing brings to light hidden stressors that may be affecting the body’s equilibrium. These stressors can include environmental toxins, food sensitivities, infections, emotional stress, or imbalances in the body’s energy flow. Identifying and addressing these stressors can facilitate the restoration of balance and overall well-being.

ART helps prioritize treatment interventions based on the body’s responses. By observing the autonomic nervous system’s reactions, practitioners can determine which stressors or imbalances should be addressed first to support the body’s healing process. This prioritization allows for a targeted and efficient approach to treatment planning.

ART provides practitioners with information crucial for understanding the underlying causes of disease and optimizing treatment outcomes.

5. SUBLUXATIONS OF THE SPINE – any impingement of spinal nerves from movement in the spine can lead to many symptoms depending on what level of the spine the subluxation is at. The spine is the main “electric pylon” of the body, so when this is interrupted, the organs do not receive the correct neural impulses at the right time and therefore begin to atrophy and dysfunction. This is all part of the Holistic Diagnostics.

Other tests include:

6. METABOLIC TYPING – not everyone can eat the same diet as their Metabolic Typing is different – this is determined by completing a comprehensive questionnaire which is computer analyzed in the US and returned with a 40-page report. This determines the “octane” of fuel that your body requires – what percentage of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates you require. Everyone is different, so specific testing is required to determine this.

7. LIVE BLOOD ANALYSIS – otherwise known as Nutritional Microscopy – a drop of blood is taken and examined under a Darkfield microscope where the blood is seen in its living form. This is “Visual Medicine” as the patient can also see this clearly on a monitor or TV screen. It is possible to visually see the white blood cells moving, which are part of the immune system, as well as determine the amount of toxicity and degeneration in the body. This is all part of the Holistic Diagnostics.

8. DIGITAL INFRARED THERMAL IMAGING (DITI) or THERMOGRAPHY – a special camera that measures temperature changes of the body is used to determine dysfunctional organs and tissues. The thermal images are sent to the USA where qualified MD Thermologists analyze the images and write a comprehensive report which is given to the patient. This measures the function of the organ systems and give important diagnostic information. This is all part of the Holistic Diagnostics.

9. TOXIC METAL TESTING for mercury and other toxic metals – an initial screening test is run using a Tissue Hair Mineral Analysis (THMA) which is analyzed on sophisticated ICP-MS spectrometers in the US. Further investigations can also be conducted using urine if required. A detoxification programme using natural remedies is begun, depending on the degree of toxicity using HMD – a natural, well-researched heavy metal chelator. This is all part of the Holistic Diagnostics.

10. METATRON SCAN – Non-Linear Analysis System (NLS)

The METATRON NLS (Non-Linear System) Scan is an advanced diagnostic technology that utilizes quantum physics principles to provide comprehensive health assessments. By analyzing the body’s electromagnetic fields and subtle energy interactions, this non-invasive scanning system offers valuable insights into an individual’s health status. In this article, we explore the benefits of the METATRON NLS Scan and how the data obtained can assist patients with health problems.

The METATRON NLS Scan is based on the principles of quantum physics and bioresonance. It involves the use of specialized software and a sensor headset that interacts with the body’s electromagnetic fields to gather data about various physiological systems and organs. This data is then analyzed to identify imbalances, energetic disturbances, and potential health issues.

The Metatron is not only capable of picking up pathological processes in over 250 organs, tissues, and cells but is also capable of determining sub-clinical conditions before they manifest into pathology.

The METATRON NLS Scan can detect imbalances and energetic disturbances before the onset of physical symptoms. By identifying potential health issues at an early stage, patients and healthcare professionals can take proactive measures to prevent the progression of diseases and promote overall well-being.

The data obtained from the METATRON NLS Scan enables healthcare professionals to develop personalized treatment approaches. By understanding the specific imbalances and energetic disruptions within an individual’s body, practitioners can recommend targeted therapies, including nutritional support, supplementation, lifestyle modifications, and other integrative approaches to restore balance and support the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

The METATRON NLS Scan detects energetic disturbances that may impact health. These disturbances can arise from environmental factors, emotional stressors, toxins, pathogens, or other imbalances within the body. By addressing these disturbances, patients can support the body’s self-regulating mechanisms and promote improved health outcomes.

See Video on NLS Diagnosis using the METATRON


Heart rate variability (HRV) testing is a non-invasive method that assesses the variations in time intervals between consecutive heartbeats. By measuring these fluctuations, HRV testing provides valuable insights into the autonomic nervous system’s activity, overall cardiovascular health, and stress response. In this article, we explore the benefits of HRV testing for individuals with health problems and discuss the conclusions that can be drawn from this test.

  1. Stress Assessment and Management: HRV testing is particularly valuable in assessing an individual’s stress response. It provides insights into the balance between sympathetic (fight-or-flight) and parasympathetic (rest-and-digest) activity. By monitoring HRV patterns, individuals can gain a better understanding of their stress levels and implement effective stress management techniques to support overall well-being.
  2. Cardiovascular Health Evaluation: HRV testing offers an indirect evaluation of cardiovascular health. Reduced HRV is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, and arrhythmias. By assessing HRV, individuals can identify potential imbalances and take proactive steps to improve heart health through lifestyle modifications, exercise, and stress reduction techniques.
  3. Autonomic Nervous System Function: HRV testing provides insights into the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, which plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions. Imbalances in autonomic function can be associated with conditions such as digestive disorders, sleep disturbances, hormonal imbalances, and immune system dysregulation. HRV testing helps identify potential autonomic dysfunction and guide targeted interventions.
  4. Sympathetic-Parasympathetic Balance: HRV testing provides insights into the balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system activity. Higher HRV indicates a healthy balance between these branches, promoting resilience, adaptability, and optimal physiological function. Reduced HRV may suggest an imbalance, indicating the need for interventions to restore autonomic equilibrium.
  5. General Health Status: HRV patterns can reflect an individual’s overall health status. Reduced HRV is associated with chronic conditions, inflammation, and increased disease risk. Monitoring HRV can assist in tracking changes and evaluating the effectiveness of health interventions and lifestyle modifications.
  6. Stress Resilience: HRV testing helps assess an individual’s resilience to stress. Higher HRV indicates better adaptability and a more efficient stress response system. Lower HRV may suggest a reduced ability to cope with stressors, highlighting the need for stress management strategies and lifestyle adjustments.

12. TEST FOR ABNORMAL POSTURE – There are pressure receptors in the bottom of your feet. These pressure receptors, tell your brain the position of your body. If your foot functions incorrectly (e.g., abnormally pronates), your brain receives a distorted image of the position of your body. This distorted information, results in the brain making a faulty adjustment in your posture. Poor posture misaligns all the joints in the body.

The joints wear unevenly and the muscles function improperly. Over time, this results in chronic pain. In 1988, Professor Rothbart first described a new and very effective type of therapy, utilizing a proprioceptive insole (not an orthotic) to improve posture. This proprioceptive insole gives tactile stimulation to the bottom of the foot. Through this stimulation, a corrected image is sent to the cerebellum, the balance center of the brain.

Assessing abnormal posture based on Dr. Rothbart’s research provides valuable insights into the root causes of postural imbalances and their impact on overall health. By utilizing tests such as the Foot Posture Index, standing posture assessment, and gait analysis, healthcare professionals can identify and address underlying structural and functional abnormalities.

Correcting abnormal posture offers numerous benefits, including pain reduction, improved movement efficiency, enhanced respiratory function, prevention of degenerative conditions, and an overall improved quality of life. Collaborating with healthcare professionals experienced in postural assessment and corrective strategies can guide individuals toward optimal postural alignment and long-term health improvements.


Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, a pioneer in the field of energy medicine, has developed an innovative technique called Electrophoton Imaging (EPI). This non-invasive diagnostic tool provides a unique window into the body’s energy field, offering valuable insights into an individual’s health and well-being.

Electrophoton Imaging is a technique that captures and analyzes the subtle photon emissions emitted by the body. This method is based on the understanding that all living organisms emit weak photon emissions, which can reveal information about the body’s energy field and its overall state of health. EPI uses a specialized camera to capture and measure these emissions, providing visual representations of the energy field and its imbalances.

The benefits of EPI include:

  1. Visualization of Energy Field: Electrophoton Imaging enables the visualization of the body’s energy field, which is otherwise imperceptible to the naked eye. By capturing and analyzing the photon emissions, EPI creates a visual representation of the energy field, allowing practitioners to identify potential imbalances, blockages, or areas of dysfunction.
  2. Early Detection of Imbalances: Electrophoton Imaging can detect energetic imbalances at an early stage, often before physical symptoms manifest. It provides a proactive approach to health assessment, enabling early intervention and prevention of more severe health problems. Identifying imbalances in the energy field can prompt individuals to take proactive measures to restore balance and support overall well-being.
  3. Holistic Assessment: EPI offers a holistic assessment of an individual’s health by examining the energetic aspects of the body. It complements traditional diagnostic methods by providing additional information about the body’s energy flow, stress levels, and potential areas of weakness or dysfunction. This holistic perspective helps practitioners develop targeted treatment plans that address the root causes of health problems.
  4. Personalized Treatment Approach: With the insights gained from Electrophoton Imaging, practitioners can tailor treatment approaches to address individual imbalances and support the body’s self-healing mechanisms. By identifying specific areas of concern in the energy field, personalized interventions can be designed, including energy healing modalities, lifestyle modifications, and targeted therapies.

Contact us or book an appointment now.