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mercury toxicity
January 30, 2018

Mercury: One of the most dangerous toxic metals Mercury is one of the most dangerous toxic metals, even though it occurs naturally in the environment and exists in a large number of forms. Like lead or cadmium, mercury is a constituent element of the earth, a heavy metal. In pure form, it is known alternatively as “elemental” or “metallic” mercury (also expressed as Hg(0) or Hg0). Mercury is rarely found in nature as the pure, liquid metal, but rather within compounds and inorganic salts. Mercury can be bound to other compounds as monovalent or divalent mercury (also expressed as Hg(I) and Hg(II) or Hg2+, respectively). Many inorganic and organic compounds of mercury can be formed from Hg(II). Elemental mercury is a shiny, silver-white metal that is a liquid at room temperature and is traditionally used in thermometers and some electrical switches. If not enclosed, at room temperature some of the metallic mercury will evaporate and form mercury vapours. Mercury vapours are colourless and odourless. The higher the temperature, the more vapours will be released from liquid metallic mercury. Some people who have breathed mercury vapours report a metallic taste in their mouths. Mercury is mined as mercuric sulphide (cinnabar ore). Through history, deposits of cinnabar have been the source ores for commercial mining of metallic mercury. The metallic form is refined from mercuric sulphide ore by heating the ore to temperatures above 540 º C. This vaporises the mercury in the ore, and the vapours are then captured and cooled to …

glucomannan and constipation
January 23, 2018

Glucomannan and Chronic Constipation Glucomannan powder: The solution for chronic constipation During the past decade, glucomannan has been introduced to European and USA markets as a dietary supplement and food additive. Glucomannan and Chronic Constipation is an article demonstrating the uses of Glucomannan for the treatment of constipation. You may be asking, what is glucomannan? Well, it is a water-soluble polysaccharide that is considered a beneficial, fermentable and soluble dietary fibre derived from the Kojac  root, a plant that grows in Asia. In East Asia, this supplement was used for thousands of years as a food, and for traditional medicine purposes too. Nowadays, glucomannan powder has many health benefits that have been scientifically researched, one of which is for constipation relief. The glucomannan powder works as a bulk-forming natural laxative helping to promote a larger and bulkier stool that passes through the colon easily. Studies of double-blind trials proposed that glucomannan is an effective constipation treatment that encourages a bowel movement within 12 to 24 hours of intake. Konjac root powder is also a prebiotic that feeds the friendly bacteria in the intestine. A study published in 2008 showed that glucomannan supplementation increases the faecal concentration of probiotics in general, as well as specific friendly bacteria such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. There are many constipation products encompassing glucomannan on the market. This formulation called CONSTFORM is a practitioner formulated and clinically tested product, designed for the chronically constipated in need of quick relief for a blocked bowel. Based on a Dr. John R. …

January 23, 2018

Coenzyme Q10 for energy production in the body Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a natural antioxidant synthesized by the body, found in many foods, and available as a supplement. Coenzyme Q10 for energy production in the body is critical for optimal functioning. In general, coenzymes support enzymes in their various biochemical functions. It is found in every cell of the body (the name ubiquinone stems from its ubiquity), but is present in higher concentrations in organs with higher energy requirements such as the kidneys, liver, and heart. Coenzyme Q10 has a vital role to play in the energy transport pathways that take part in the small organelles of the cell called mitochondria. These organelles produce small “energy packages” called adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from the foods we consume. It is estimated that CoQ10 is responsible for more than 75% of the energy produced in our body! So you can imagine what our energy levels would be if we were deficient in coenzyme Q10, something that can easily happen, particularly with people taking medications for chronic diseases, as these medications can severely deplete the production of coenzyme Q10 in the body. What other symptoms are there when there is a deficiency of Coenzyme Q10? Since this enzyme is found in high concentration in heart muscle cells, deficiency has been associated with cardiovascular problems including angina, arrhythmia, heart failure and high blood pressure. Problems with blood sugar regulation, gingival (gum) health, and stomach ulcers have also been associated with CoQ10 deficiency. Other symptoms of CoQ10 …

January 23, 2018

Garcinia Cambogia: The weight loss fruit Garcinia cambogia (GC) is a light green or yellowish coloured small fruit that has a pumpkin-like-shape. The plant originated in Southeast Asia and southern India and it grows in central Africa as well. The fruit was first used to flavour different meats but ultimately it has now become Garcinia Cambogia: The weight loss fruit. During the 1960’s, numerous research studies were undertaken that showed that Garcinia can also help people to lose weight. The key active ingredient found in the rind of garcinia cambogia is hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which some research suggests can help certain people. Research suggests that HCA works by blocking a certain enzyme called adenosine triphosphate-citrate-lyase, which contributes to the formation of fat cells, therefore resulting in a certain amount of fat loss. Other studies have shown that GC can help lower someone’s appetite by increasing production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is associated with calm and happy feelings - and therefore, sometimes appetite suppression, less cravings and reduced desire for comfort foods. In summary, Garcinia cambogia is a 100% natural weight loss supplement that: Prevents the conversion of calories into fat. Improves the metabolism by blocking the production of an enzyme that affects it. Lowers the concentration of LDL in the blood, improving lipid profile. Makes you feel full for longer due to hydroxycitric acid (extracted from the skin) which is known for its appetite suppression ability. Reduces stress, which may affect the weight loss ability of your body. There may be side …

Bioresonance and food intolerances
January 19, 2014

Treating Food Intolerances with Bioresonance New methods are evolving all the time, which move us closer to the goal of individualized treatment. One such method, BIORESONANCE, also known as BRT, practised mostly in Germany for 15 years, can be used to treat a wide range of disorders. Treating Food Intolerances with Bioresonance is easy and effective. Bio-resonance promises not only to address the unique needs of each patient, but also, as it becomes more widespread, to provide an answer to the nagging question: "Why do some individuals do well with one type of medication, while others improve only slightly or not at all?" At the Da Vinci Center treating Food Intolerances with Bioresonance is a standard procedure used with many of our clients. Central to its application is the idea that all life is made of energy. Although humans tend to think of themselves as relatively solid creatures, we are actually just a mass of compressed energy. We emit our own electromagnetic fields and, as with all things, we each have our own unique "vibration", or oscillation. This oscillation can easily be measured with electronic equipment. When we are healthy, our bodies produce a smooth, regular oscillation. When the body is under stress, the pattern becomes jagged and irregular. The patient's body signals are conducted from the right hand into the input of the device using a BICOM electrode. In the BICOM device the disharmonious frequencies are filtered out and inverted. These inverted therapeutic oscillations are now given back to …

Memory problems
November 8, 2013

Memory Problems? Before we start to explore in detail everything modern research has discovered about what ginkgo can do and how it works, let's stop to review, in simple terms, one of the bodily processes that are essential for good health - blood circulation. It cannot be over emphasised how vital blood circulation is to our health and well-being. The quality of circulation and how freely blood can move through the vessels to all parts of the body and how well it can carry nutrients (such as oxygen, sugars, enzymes and other life-giving nutrients) and remove the waste products of cellular metabolism directly affects the health of every cell in the body. When all these nutrients are not supplied to the body every minute of the day and the wastes are not constantly removed, the body begins to age more rapidly. We begin to experience aches and pains, we get stiff, our joints start to weaken, our energy levels dwindle rapidly, our senses become dulled, and the brain and memory become sluggish. We cannot learn new things as well, we forget important telephone numbers, names of friends, and generally we have trouble keeping up with all the changes going on around us. Today we are going to talk about how a wonderful herb can REALLY help to increase your memory power. Is there anyone that does not want to improve his or her memory? I don't think so, as memory is crucial to everything that we learn every day, whether …

full spectrum light
November 8, 2013

Health Benefits of Full Spectrum Light Good health can be maintained and many disease conditions alleviated with adequate exposure to full-spectrum light. Read about the health benefits of full spectrum light. ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT: MYTHS AND FACTS America has a phobia, an irrational fear, about ultraviolet (UV) light. In a new science fad, unwise practices are being urged on us. The resulting sickness and misbehaviour will mystify yet enrich physicians, psychiatrists, dentists and criminal specialists as well as pharmaceutical drug companies.In too many scientific and medical fields, for a lot of researchers the truth is defined only in relationship to the next grant, peer pressure and the fight to further an entrenched view. This essentially political process goes on despite any--in this case very strong--evidence to the contrary.1 Much "science" research is known to be fraudulent.2, 3 Such a flow of funded research almost exclusively in one direction is characteristic of potentially dangerous science fads. Almost all "scientists" are out to prove something so as to continue their careers; to them, finding the truth is only secondary.UV intensity is now forecast in population centres daily. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) suggests that when outdoors we should "protect ourselves against ultraviolet light whenever we can see our shadow". And many physicians give their patients the same warning. This is terrible advice. If man were a machine, a doctor could repair or replace one part without worrying about the rest of the contraption. Man is no machine, but more like a web …

natural treatment for cellulite
November 8, 2013

A Natural Cure for Cellulite Cellulite can be characterized by a state in which the cells of the subcutaneous fatty layer under the skin are invaded by toxic lymph. Combined with a poor circulation of the blood and a sluggish lymphatic system resulting from a sedentary lifestyle and you have the formula for the development of cellulite. There are a number of changes that occur when cellulite develops: The capillaries become greatly enlarged, and blood plasma seeps out into the surrounding fatty tissues. The fat cells become 'squashed' and bunch up together - this forms the characteristic 'orange-peel' effect. The lymph nodes, part of the lymphatic system that drains toxins out of the body, cannot cope and the excess plasma remains in the cells. The walls of the fat cells become thickened by extra deposits of collagen, resulting in thinner and weakened connective tissue. What we see from the outside is the familiar mattress phenomenon, the pitting and bulging most commonly seen on the buttocks, thighs and upper arms. The presence of cellulite has nothing to do with being overweight. Cellulite occurs on the thighs and bottoms of very slim women as well. A WOMAN’S WORLD To understand cellulite it is important to understand how your flesh is structured. Let’s look at the deeper layers first. They are known as subcutaneous tissues. In your thighs these are made up of three layers of fat with two planes of connective tissue and ground substance in between. This brings us to one …

how does homeopathy work
November 8, 2013

How Does Homeopathy Work? The question of how homeopathy works is one I get asked often, and it is usually difficult to give a clear explanation. The direct answer is…we don't know. Some medics say that this is not good enough, but my response to them is “do you know the mechanisms of all the drugs that you prescribe”? The simple answer here is also “no, we don’t know,” but this does not prevent them from prescribing, as they KNOW from clinical experience that they work in certain conditions. There are several theories of how homeopathic remedies work. Let’s look at some of the most plausible and interesting of these to make some sense of how these incredibly small-dose remedies actually work. MEDICAL SPECTROSCOPY AND THE WATER SYSTEM It is well-known amongst energy therapists that the human body emits vibratory information that precisely specifies the activities taking place within. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a spectroscopic method that is widely and successfully used for medical diagnosis. MRI works because tumours contain abnormal arrangements of water (Damadian 1971, Damadian et al 1974). Most physiologists attach no significance to this important fact, as they do not recognize that the body has a `water system' involved in communication and regulation. As with the electrocardiogram, medical science accepts the information provided by MRI images as a sort of by-product of life, without appreciating the profoundly important energy picture that underlies the method. In contrast, homeopathy and other vibrational medicines take advantage of the water …