Testimonials – Stomach and bowel distension

Testimonials – Stomach and bowel distension

Testimonials – Stomach and bowel distension of 35 years standing, pains in feet, tinnitus, hypercholestermia

Case No. 6, Mr. W, aged 67 – this is a case that was published in Dr. Georgiou’s book entitled “Curing the Incurable with Holistic Medicine: The Da Vinci Secret Revealed.”

Main presenting problem: Stomach and bowel distension of 35 years standing, pains in feet, tinnitus, hypercholestermia

Medical diagnosis:

Mr. W has seen many doctors over a 35-year period for stomach pains, bloating, constant burping and reflux. He has excessive belching after eating any type of food. He has undergone many types of tests including ultrasound scans, blood tests, numerous gastroscopy and rectoscopy tests, which showed Helicobacter pylori. This was treated with antibiotics, but the stomach distension and pain still remain to this day.

He was operated for a herniated disc at level L6 in 2002.

Recent blood tests showed elevated triglyceride levels but nothing else of significance.

Holistic diagnosis:

The main point in conducting the IDEL Diagnostic Programme was to determine what the causative factors of his chronic problems were – clearly there were unresolved issues with the stomach that spanned over 35 years with numerous consultations to many medical and naturopathic physicians, but no complete resolution yet of his symptoms.

VEGA food intolerance testing identified a number of food intolerances – wheat, lactose and all dairy products, eggs, beef, chicken, crustacean fish family and caffeine. All these food intolerances can cause inflammation in organs and tissues of the body.[1] Wheat was his primary intolerance that would block his regulation or ANS completely.

There was also systemic Candidiasis detected, along with oxyuren vermicularis, otherwise known as the common pinworm on energetic, resonance testing.

Testing his organs energetically using Autonomic Response Testing (ART) as well as VEGA showed that there were a number of imbalances such as stomach, pancreas, liver, teeth, larynx, auditory ossicles, diaphragm, duodenum, ileum and prostate. In addition, there was a scar focus identified on the right foot that appeared significant as this was the primary deregulating factor of the ANS – meaning that this was the primary factor of all the organs identified that was keeping his autonomic nervous system from functioning correctly. Scar foci can become impulse generators, disturbing the subtle electromagnetic fields of the body, with resulting symptoms (see chapter 9).

There was also one tooth focus identified with ART testing, number 13 which is attached to the Large Intestine meridian that was detected on resonance testing.[2]However, a panoramic X-ray showed that there were 8 tooth implants and 5 root canal fillings which may require further investigation.

There was also considerable electromagnetic stress detected, probably as a result of using computers for long hours.

Thermography[3] showed focal mild hyperthermia at the right side of the mouth that may relate to focal, oral or dental inflammation. There were hyperthermic patterns in the right mandibular and digastric regions which may indicate increased lymph gland activity. No other significant findings.

Investigation of the iris in iridology showed a severe case of hypochlorhydria (low secretion of hydrochloric acid) which was probably the primary pathogenesis of his stomach issuescan include: diarrhoea, steatorrhea, macrocytic anemia, weight loss, protein-losing enteropathy, abdominal discomfort or bloating and reflux. Deficiencies in certain nutrients may result in limb weakness, memory or mood changes, circulatory weaknesses in the capillary network leading to tinnitus, numbness and tingling in the limbs and other symptoms. Many researchers now believe that hypochlorhydria is present in about 80% of the population and is often wrongly diagnosed for hyperchlorhydria (excess secretion of HCl) and treated with hydrogen proton inhibitors or antacids which only aggravate the problem further.

The body tissues were quite acidic and inflamed, and so was the stomach lining, probably as a result of the hypochlorhydria that causes food to remain in the stomach for much longer periods of time. There was a cholesterol ring which is an indication of an inherited predisposition to hypercholestermia.

Darkfield microscopy of living blood showed a high level of congestion with stickiness in the red blood cells (rouleau) with high valence fibrinogen causing cells to tear and be destroyed. There was poikilocytosis, an indication of low iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 levels. The white blood cells were viable with good movement, indicating an active immune system. There was also considerable fermentation in the blood picture, probably a result of the systemic Candidiasis.

Biological Terrain Analysis (BTA),[4] a test conducted using urine and saliva, indicated an inability of the body to detoxify the cellular waste, which results in fluid congestion and stagnation. There was also a lack of available minerals in the body, most notably the blood. The kidneys were not cleaning the blood adequately and that the remaining detoxification organs of the body are unable to compensate. There was also a depletion of minerals that may be due to an imbalance in normal dietary factors, or intestinal malabsorption.

It is recommended that lymphatic drainage be improved, also kidney function, support liver function and rule out dehydration (he was drinking about 2 glasses of water per day at this stage which was increased to 8-10 glasses daily).

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis has shown that the levels of iron and manganese are relatively low and levels of molybdenum are non-existent. Manganese is an essential trace nutrient in all forms of life.[5] It is important for the production of a number of enzymes such as oxidoreductases, transferases, hydrolases, lyases, isomerases, ligases, lectins, and integrins. The best known manganese-containing polypeptides may be arginase and Mn-containing superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD),[6] present in all mitochondria.

Molybdenum is present in approximately 20 enzymes in the body, including aldehyde oxidase, sulfite oxidase and xanthine oxidase.[7] In some animals, the oxidation of xanthine to uric acid, a process of purine catabolism, is catalyzed by xanthine oxidase, a molybdenum-containing enzyme. The activity of xanthine oxidase is directly proportional to the amount of molybdenum in the body. So, low levels of manganese can lead to high uric acid levels leading to pains in the joints of the feet.

The hair analysis also showed a number of circulating toxic metals such as arsenic, mercury (he had 6 amalgams removed some time ago), lead and aluminium (probably from the antacids taken over the years which contain aluminium). Most of these toxic metals create free radicals which will cause further inflammation and degeneration of body tissues and organs.

Holistic treatments:

First, Mr. W began with an alkaline detoxification diet for 15 days with fruit, steamed vegetables, salads, vegetable juices and herbal teas. He also did the Hulda Clark parasite cleanse with Walnut tincture, wormwood and cloves during the alkaline detoxification diet.

He was also given nutritional supplements such as a high-potency multivitamin, a multimineral, omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids for the inflammation, betaine HCl and pepsin to improve the stomach digestion and eliminate the hypochlorhydria, as well as pancreatic enzymes to help improve the gut digestion. In addition, he was given homotoxicological glucosamine sulphate (2,000 mg daily), calcium with magnesium, drainage remedies for the kidneys (Berberis), the liver (Nux Vomica) and the lymphatic system (Lymphomyosot), aloe vera juice and a herbal drainage formula called Organic Lavage which addresses all the detoxification organs. In addition, he was given a ginkgo biloba[8] based formula to help alleviate the tinnitus and increase capillary circulation.

In addition, the HMD™ Ultmate Detoxifaction Protocol[9] was added to the supplemental regime to mobilize and eliminate the toxic metals. For the pain in the feet, he was checked and found to have a Rothbart’s foot or a Primus Metatarsus Supinatus[10] foot type which can greatly aggravate the spine and misalign the body posture,[11] also putting pressure on the knees.[12] He was fitted with 6mm proprioreceptor insoles[13] in order to adjust the Rothbart’s foot.

The tooth and scar foci were also repolarized using Low Intensity Lazer Therapy.[14] The belching of the stomach and distension had improved by about 40-50% within a couple of weeks of adding the HCl, even though he was on a reduced dosage due to the gastritis which we did not want to aggravate. At this point he also reported that his eyesight had improved a little, the tinnitus was much improved and so had his back improved considerably. The hot feeling in the feet and itchiness had more or less disappeared.

Six months into the treatment his health has improved overall – he has at least an 80% improvement in his stomach belching which he has had since he was 33 years old. He is very pleased at the fact that he can more or less eat what he likes. We believe that the stomach will improve completely as soon as he has completed the Candida treatment which he has not done to date due to his busy travelling schedule. He also still eats some of the foods that he is intolerant to which causes further aggravations on occasions. The eyesight, hearing and tinnitus are stable with very negligible symptoms on occasions. His posture has much improved with the help of the proprioreceptor insoles and this has greatly helped his low back pain as well as the pain in his feet.

Patient’s own account:

I have suffered for many years from bad digestion, with excessive belching, particularly after eating. It seems to me that my food is not digesting properly and perhaps coming up from the intestine back into the stomach as my belching often smells bad as though the food has not been digested properly. I have had this for some 35 years and have been treated by many doctors without success.

I have also had an operation for a herniated disc about 7 years ago, and still have a small herniated disk, which causes some discomfort from time to time. I also developed a recent foot pain which stopped me jogging, something that I have loved doing for years now.

I was really getting quite concerned about my deteriorating health as I am an active traveler and wanted to continue enjoying my travels and active lifestyle. Even though I have been seeing a Naturopathy abroad for over 25 years and his treatments have helped me to improve the quality of my life, no-one had got to the bottom of my stomach problems which was the most chronic and worse problem for me as it made it difficult for me to enjoy social eating.

While I was staying in Cyprus for a while, I found Dr. Georgiou’s DaVinci Centre in Larnaca and thought that it was appropriate to pay him a visit to see if he could help me. After an initial assessment interview we booked for more extensive testing – the IDEL Diagnostic Programme which took a complete morning of about 5 hours to complete. This gave a lot of new information that had not been discovered before – all the causative factors to my underlying health problems – the most critical was the fact that my stomach was not producing enough hydrochloric acid and protein digestion was very strained and this was the primary cause of the belching, distension, pain and reflux.

There were many other factors identified such as food intolerances, mineral deficiencies, toxic metals, dehydration (no-one had told me ever to drink enough water), stagnated toxins due to compromised detoxification organs and a congested lymphatic system. Even my blood picture that I saw on the screen while Dr. Georgiou was conducting the live blood analysis was congested with all the red cells stuck together and torn apart by lots of fibrinogen – I was told that this was because my body getting enough oxygen and nutrients, nor was it eliminating the toxins.

Even my feet where causing a misalignment in my body posture that was putting pressure on my spine, knees, and neck – this was simply rectified by wearing special insoles that made such a difference, and so quickly.

I was very impressed with Dr. Georgiou’s approach and the health problems that I have lived with for decades started to disappear in just a few months. I realized that this was beyond coincidence – there must be something to what Dr. Georgiou now calls Holistic Medicine.

I have learnt during my visits to Dr. Georgiou, that the premise of this wonderful medicine is that first you need to identify the causes of the problem, not simply put a label on it. Then you have to offload the causative factors – preferably as many as possible in the shortest period of time – then use natural remedies to repair and heal the body. This is exactly what Dr. Georgiou did, but each patient is obviously different and this type of medicine does not appear to be one that can be applied generally to all people in the same manner – each person needs to go through the testing to determine their causative factors.

I am truly grateful to Dr. Georgiou and his approach, as I never thought that I would be rid of the unpleasant health problems that I have had for over 3 decades, even though I have seen many medical doctors as well as natural medicine practitioners. Now that I know better, the missing element in all these other doctors that I had seen, was that they did not identify the true underlying causes to my illness, that made my life difficult up until today. I did not expect to regain quality of life at my age, particularly after having been treated by so many doctors, some of whom even suggested that my problems could be schycoschematic. The global population at large needs to learn more about this form of healing, as there are far to many people like myself whose quality of life could be improved so much if they had access to the method that Dr Georgiou uses in diagnosing and treating patients.

Dr Georgiou’s final comments on Mr. W:

This is really quite a typical case where a critical underlying digestive issue can cause so many other health issues over time. The digestive system is indeed the most important system of the body as it gives all the raw materials such as minerals, vitamins, trace elements and more to all the other organs. If the digestive system is out of sync, then you can bet that the rest of the body will suffer as a consequence.

The issue of hypochlorhydria or deficient hydrochloric acid production is one that is underdiagnosed by many medical doctors, and particularly gastroenterologists. Indeed, often it is misdiagnosed as the opposite problem, too much acid and treated with various drugs that block the hydrochloric acid production. This simply perpetuates the problem further and the patient enters into a degenerative downward spiral that becomes more difficult to reverse over time.

My advice to all other practitioners entering into the field of Holistic Medicine is first check the functioning of the digestive system before looking elsewhere! The problem with gastroenterologists is that they check the structure of the digestive system while ignoring its function – we need to concentrate our efforts on combing the two for the benefit of the patient.


[1] Brostoff, J and Gamblin, L. Food Allergies and Food Intolerance. Rochester: Inner Traditionals International, p.119, 2000.

[2] See Chapter 8 for more details on tooth foci.

[3] www.meditherm.com

[4]Correlative Urinalysis: The Body Knows Best,Morter, MT Jr., BEST ResearchInc., Rogers, Arkansas, 1987.

[5] Emsley, J. Manganese: Nature’s Building Blocks: An A-Z Guide to the Elements. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 249–253, 2001.

[6] Law, N. Manganese Redox Enzymes and Model Systems: Properties, Structures, and Reactivity. 46. pp. 305, 1998.

[7] Emsley, J. Nature’s Building Blocks. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 262–266, 2001.

[8]Blumenthal M, Busse WR, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Riggins CW, et al, eds. The complete German commission E monographs: therapeutic guide to herbal medicines.Austin, TX: American Botanical Council, 1998.

[9] www.detoxmetals.com

[10] Rothbart BA, Medial Column Foot Systems: An Innovative Tool for Improving Posture. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (6)1:37-46, 2002.

[11] Rothbart BA, Liley P, Hansen, el al. Resolving Chronic Low Back Pain. The Foot Connection. The Pain Practitioner (formerly American Journal of Pain Management) 5(3): 84-89, 2002.

[12] Rothbart BA, Yerratt M. An Innovative Mechanical Approach to Treating Chronic Knee Pain: A BioImplosion Model. The Pain Practitioner (formerly American Journal of Pain Management) 4(3): 13-18, 1994.

[13] Rothbart BA. Proprioceptive Insoles. From a Podiatric Point of View. Health and Healing Wisdom (Price-Pottinger Nutrition Foundation Journal) Vol 29(3):11, 2005.


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April 26, 2024

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