Testimonials – Parasthesia after stroke

Testimonials – Parasthesia after stroke

Case No. 15, Mrs. G, Age: 66

Main presenting problem:

Parasthesia after stroke, speech impediment, dizziness, chronic fatigue, poor concentration and depression, high cholesterol levels, high glucose levels, high blood pressure, tachycardia.

Medical diagnosis:

CVA, Hypercholesteremia, Hypertension, Supraventricular tachycardia, Diabetes, Atherosclerosis of carotids, Sick Sinus Syndrome.

Mrs. G had a history of five operations within a 4-year period – two of these were for ovarian cysts and the third was for a total hysterectomy due to fibroids. She also had a history of abusing pain killers for many years for painful period pains and other pains, as well as being on diuretics for over 20 years.

In 2005 she had a CVA with dysarthria and right sided paraesthesia. She underwent a triplex examination of the carotid arteries that indicated atheromatous plaques of both arteries without significant stenosis (soft plaque in the right internal carotid artery. She was prescribed Medostatin 20mg daily, Perstantin (75mg x 3), Teveten (75mg daily) and Aspirin (75 mg daily).

Complaints of episodes of palpitations and shortness of breath led her to go to a cardiologist. Heart Echo did not show any remarkable abnormal findings. A 24hr ambulatory ECG device was used that recorded short episodes of supraventricular tachycardia (P waves were differing from the regular sinus ones) with just 100 ppm that were followed by almost 2s sinus pause. It was recommended that she have an electrophysiological study for Sick Sinus Syndrome.

Cholesterol levels were 285 and glucose 115.

Holistic diagnosis:

Mrs. G initially came to the Da Vinci Natural Health Centre in 2006 as she was interested in finding out the reasons behind her stroke and she was desperate to come off the Statin drugs and other medications that she was taking for many years, due to suspected side effects. She underwent a series of tests which are part of the IDEL Diagnostic Programme in order to determine the underlying causes of her health problems. VEGA testing showed a number of food intolerances including wheat, lactose and all milk products, pork, chicken, sugar and caffeine.

VEGA testing of the organs showed organ weaknesses such as thyroid, auditory canals (there was considerable hearing loss), auditory ossicle, coronary artery, left breast, aorta and pancreas. Oxyuren (pinworms) were also detected with resonance testing.

Autonomic Response Testing showed that the primary factor blocking her regulation or ANS was lactose. There were also organ weaknesses in the ascending colon, thyroid, pancreas, teeth, breasts and the primary organ was the right hemisphere of the brain. ART also showed a scar focus on one portion of her hysterectomy scar. In addition, there were 6 tooth foci detected, teeth 5 (large intestine meridian), 14, 20 and 21 (all stomach meridian), 31 (large intestine meridian) and 32 (small intestine meridian).

Iridology indicated a lumbar subluxation, thyroid irritation, a large lacuna in the liver and gallbladder region indicating hereditary weaknesses of these organs as well as irritation – there was also an overall murky appearance in a blue, lymphatic constitution that is an indication of chronic accumulation of toxins. There were also indications of chronic hypochlorhydria (low levels of hydrochloric acid production).

Examination of living blood under darkfield microscopy showed that there was a rather congested picture with plenty of rouleau (stickiness in the red blood cells) as well as protein linkage, fibrinogen indicating liver toxicity and generally the white blood cells were sluggish. There were also a number of large parasites seen in the blood picture.

Biological Terrain Analysis which is an examination of urine, saliva and blood and measures pH, resistivity and redox potential of these three fluids. This test showed that there was incomplete digestion related to a deficiency of hydrochloric acid and pancreatic enzymes. There was also indication of lymphatic and liver congestion. Malabsorption was also detected with low levels of minerals as well as low ATP production related to nutrient deficiencies (coenzyme Q10, zinc, carnitine) in the electron transport pathways.

Thermography showed a discrete bilateral hyperthermia over the ethmoid sinuses indicating a developing sinusitis. Hyperthermic patterns encircling the buccal cavity possibly indicate an oral (dental or periodontal) pathology. There was hyperthermia over the platysma related to muscular tension in the neck. There was slight diffuse hyperthermia in the upper back and between the scapulas indicating myofascial involvement of the trapezius and rhomboid muscles. There was a central type periumbilical hypothermia that may indicate a developing visceral involvement of the colon.

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) testing produced a relatively good score for her overall fitness level of 5.5 (1.1 is the best physical fitness; 13.7 is the worst). This is probably reflecting more functional problems rather than chronic degenerative conditions.

Holistic treatments:

The first stages of therapy consisted of detoxifying her using ozone sauna, matrix regeneration therapy, infrared sauna, alkaline detoxification diet for two weeks using fruit, salads, steamed vegetables, vegetable juices and herbal teas. She also completed a gallbladder flush and removed a considerable number of stones. She also began a supplement programme using multivitamins, organic flaxseed oil, vitamin c, digestive enzymes and betaine HCl to improve gut and stomach digestion respectively, coenzyme Q10 (myocardial biopsies of patients with various cardiac diseases showed a CoQl0 deficiency in up to 75% of cases)[1], vitamin E[2] and magnesium (transdermal application of magnesium oil)[3],[4] and hawthorn[5] to stabilize the heartbeat and arrhythmias. Taurine was also another important addition.

The Sanum remedy Mucokehl was given from day one to help with the rouleau seen in the live blood picture. Also silymarin and polycosonol for her elevated cholesterol levels. In three studies,[6],[7],[8] Polycosonol was compared with statin drugs. Polycosonol typically did as well, or much better, than the statins in raising HDL and lowering total and LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

Taurine modulates the activity of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), which belongs to a class of substances known as “second messengers,” and is one of the most important cell-regulating compounds. Among its many roles, cAMP activates numerous enzymes involved in diverse cellular functions. Through its cAMP-modulating activity, taurine affects enzymes in heart muscle that contribute to contractility. Taurine also plays a role in calcium metabolism and may affect entry of calcium into heart muscle cells where it is essential in the generation and transmission of nerve impulses.[9]

Research shows that taurine may prevent arrhythmogenesis by limiting cardiac hypertrophy and calcium overload of the myocardium.[10] Taurine also protects the heart against reperfusion-induced arrhythmias via its properties as a membrane stabilizer and as an oxygen free radical scavenger.[11]

She had also decided to stop her Statins and had began reducing the dosage over time with the help of her cardiologist – she had completely stopped all her medications including the statins, the antihypertensives, diuretics and aspirin within a three month period.

In addition, her tooth and scar foci were treated with Low Intensity Lazer Therapy (LILT). Interesting, after the third treatment for her hysterectomy scar focus she had regained considerable sensation and strength in her right leg which was very numb and weak.

Within two months her dizziness had disappeared, her speech impediment had gone (very soon after she stopped the Statin drugs completely), her legs were much stronger and it was easier for her to sit up in the bath and did not require the use of the banisters to climb the stairs – in fact, she could now run up the stairs to the utter surprise of her husband who used to push her along. Sensations had returned in the right side of her body – she could now drink tea holding the cup with only one hand instead of two, the sensitivity to hot and cold had returned and she would no longer burn her hand without realizing and was breaking far fewer glasses in the kitchen. Her writing had much improved and so have her finer movements – she reported an 85% improvement in the function of her hands and feet at this stage.

Her blood pressure was stable at 120/70 without antihypertensive medication, probably because the detoxification protocols had removed a considerable amount of inflammation from the body, one of the prime causes of high blood pressure. Her total cholesterol levels still remained high, but her good cholesterol (HDL) had increased and her bad cholesterol (LDL) had decreased – risk factor had dropped from 5.4 to 2.8. By the third month she had regained pain sensation in both her arm and leg as well as her hip, with a very significant strengthening of the muscles.

It was decided to try to use bioresonance therapy using the BICOM device to try to regenerate further her nervous system (nerve regeneration programme using the gold probe). Shortly after 3-4 such treatments she noticed a significant improvement in her tongue muscles and her stuttering had more or less gone – one friend who had not seen her for a few weeks commented that her speech had greatly improved to the point where she could now understand everything she was saying.

Patient’s own account:

I first went to the DaVinci Natural Health Center on 12th January 2006 after having a Coronary Vascular Accident (CVA) or stroke about one year before this in February 2005. I am presently 66 years old. I had a considerable number of symptoms including:

  • Numbness on the right side of my body – paraesthesia.
  • Speech impediment – had difficulty thinking the words.
  • Suffered from dizziness.
  • Suffered from apathy, depression, poor concentration, anxiety, exhaustion after light exercise, tender and sore muscles, insomnia, breast pain and cold hands.
  • Chronically fatigued.
  • Hypertension diagnosed in 2003 – 220/100 – placed on Medostatin & Aspirin 75mg x 1 and Persantin 75mg x 3.
  • Supraventricular tachycardia, with shortness of breath – placed on Teveten 600 1×1.
  • High Cholesterol Levels – 285 levels.
  • Blood glucose levels high at 115.
  • In March 2005 underwent a triplex examination of the carotid arteries that found atheromatous plaque in both arteries.

At the Da Vinci Holistic Health Center I went through a full diagnostic programme which discovered a number of causative factors such as:

  1. Food intolerances such as wheat, lactose, pork, chicken, sugar and caffeine.
  2. Live Blood Analysis showed a lot of rouleau – red blood cells sticking together and preventing the normal oxygenation of the blood.
  3. Parasite load – small pin worms.
  4. Tooth foci.
  5. Scar foci.
  6. Congested lymphatic system.
  7. Weakened physiological systems.
  8. Digestive problems – low hydrochloric acid and pancreatic enzyme production.

I began a bespoke treatment protocol based upon the diagnostic information that was gathered at the DaVinci Center. This included a detoxification programme using an alkaline detoxification diet, liver and gall bladder cleanse, ozone sauna, MRT and lymphatic drainage, neutralization of tooth and scar foci with laser therapy and a supplement programme that included, amongst other things, a multivitamin formula, flaxseed oil, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Co Enzyme Q10, Magnesium, Betaine HCL and Pancreatic Enzymes taken with food.

My progression was interesting and I would like to point out how I improved over time.

About a month into the treatment my legs are feeling a lot stronger and I find it a lot easier to sit up in the bath. I also find that I do not need to use the banisters when climbing stairs. I decided to reduce my Statin drugs by 50% and was finding that my speech was rapidly improving. I was also noticing that I could feel more in my right side.

A couple of months into the treatment and I could now run up the stairs without holding onto the banisters. I could also drink my cup of tea with only one hand, without requiring need to pull myself up anymore, I was just rising normally. I also found that my writing had drastically improved. I estimate that I have now recovered about 85% of my functioning and feel much more optimistic about my health. At this stage my depression, apathy, cold hands, fatigue, anxiety, dizziness, poor concentration, tiredness after exercise, insomnia, speech impediment and my general parasthesia on the right side of my body had more or less disappeared.

Third month into treatment my blood pressure is now 120/65 – I have decided to wean myself off the anti­hypertensive medication gradually. I also did a gall bladder cleanse for the first time and found that I eliminated a large number of stones. My cholesterol levels were still quite high at 263 so I was given some herbal remedies for the liver. Towards the end of the third month, my blood pressure is now stable at 120/70 without any anti-hypertensive medication – I stopped taking all medication for blood pressure about one week ago. I also began at this time to feel pain in both my arm and leg on the right side of my body, something that I could not feel before. About a month after I am feeling itchiness in my right foot which was amazing given that this foot was completely paralyzed before.

About 6 months into treatment and I am now feeling the cotton thread on my fingers when I sow, something that was impossible before. I can also turn the meat in the pan with tongs without dropping it and burning myself.

Generally, I can say that after the diagnosis I really thought that this was the end of my life, as I knew it, I was afraid that I would deteriorate quickly and have another stroke, which would be devastating. I was also afraid of staying on all the drugs that I was on as I knew that these were no good for me.

It was a true blessing that I managed to find the Da Vinci Holistic Health Center and Dr. Georgiou who helped me along the path to health that is described above. As he puts it: “It is not I that have cured you, but Mother Nature that is inside all of us. This innate intelligence, when given the right resources has the power of healing anything, but we must understand its intent and not suppress its voice with drugs. Listen to the symptoms; they are the body’s way of talking to us. Try to understand how they develop – follow their pathway all the way back to the beginning. Begin off-loading superfluous loads and give the body what it requires to heal – it really as simple as this!”

Dr Georgiou’s final comments on Mrs. G:

This is an interesting case where presenting symptoms over time were treated by polypharmacy – simply suppressing symptoms instead of identifying their causes. Many of these drugs, including the anti-arrhythmic drugs[12] and diuretics can have very serious side-effects. Being on diuretics for 20 years certainly caused an imbalance in the potassium flow in and out of cardiac muscle cells, thereby adversely affecting the electrical excitability of the cell membranes of cardiac muscle. Diuretics have been shown in research studies to increase the excretion and loss of calcium, they cause magnesium loss into the urine by inhibiting the reabsorption of magnesium in the kidneys.[13]

Magnesium plays an important part in the how blood vessels process the natural chemicals around them, known as endothelial function. That’s because the endothelial cell lining of blood vessels constitutes the “brains” of the vessel. Abnormalities in such function are the first stages of an impending heart attack or stroke.[14]

Diuretics also deplete the levels of iodine, potassium and zinc as well as coenzyme Q10[15],[16] – all these nutrients are crucial for cardiovascular functioning and was probably one of the main causes of her arrhythmias and Sick Sinus Syndrome, which she had to have a pacemaker fitted in 2007. It was also interesting to note that her blood pressure normalized after she came off a number of medications, including the anti-hypertensives, diuretics and aspirin, but also after undergoing a thorough detoxification programme that certainly helps to lower the level of inflammatory chemicals in the body.

Over the years a lot of emphasis has been given to using Statin drugs to lower cholesterol levels, as if cholesterol is the enemy that needs to be attacked viciously. However, it is the inflammation that oxidizes the cholesterol (and other fats) that leads to the arterial “crud” associated with atherosclerosis. Likewise, oxidized LDL-cholesterol and other oxidized fats also damage brain cells. These oxidized lipids consist of omega-6 oils such as corn, sunflower, peanut, safflower, and canola and soybean oils. The irony is that it is these vegetable oils that are recommended by the American Heart Association and other heart associations around the world, as well as by many dieticians giving diets to heart patients.

When scientists measure inflammation in large groups of people, they find that high levels of inflammatory markers (such as TNF-alpha, IL-6, CRP, and IL-1) predict more accurately who is at a greater risk of a stroke or heart attack than cholesterol levels.

In fact, in those with advanced atherosclerosis, all the lipids in the artery are oxidized, meaning that it is not a cholesterol problem but an inflammation problem. High blood sugar stimulates the growth of visceral fat. The increased amounts of fat trigger the release of high levels of inflammatory cytokines, which worsen the inflammation.

Finally, chronically high sugar levels in the blood and tissues generate destructive elements called AGEs that accelerate the damage. Within tissues and organs, sugar in excess amounts interacts with proteins and amino acids by a chemical process called glycation. Over time they form even more complex chemicals called advanced glycation end products, also called AGEs.


[1] Folkers K., Vadhanavikit S., Mortensen S.A. (1985) Biochemical rationale and myocardial tissue data on the effective therapy of cardiomyopathy with coenzyme Q10. In: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U.S.A., vol. 82(3), pp 901-904.

[2] Murray, Michael T. The Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements: the essential guide for improving your health naturally. Prima Publishing, Rocklin, California, USA. 1996:48.

[3] McLean, R. M. Magnesium and its therapeutic uses: a review. American Journal of Medicine. 96(1):63-76, 1994.

[4] Sjogren, A., et al. Magnesium deficiency in coronary artery disease and cardiac arrhythmias. Journal of Internal Medicine. 226:213-222, 1989.

[5] Miller, A. L. Botanical influences on cardiovascular disease. Alt Med Rev. 3(6):422-431, 1998.

[6] Crespo, N. et al. Comparative study of the efficacy and tolerability of policosanol and lovastatin. Int J Clin Pharm Res, 19:117-27, 1999.

[7] Ortensi, G. et al. Policosanol vs. simvistatin. Curr Ther Res, 58: 390-401, 1997.

[8] Castano, G. et al. Effects of policosanol and pravastatin on lipid profile in older hypercholesterolemic patients. Int J Clin Pharm Res, 19: 105-116, 1999.

[9] Sebring, LA. and Huxtable, RJ. Sulfur Amino Acids: Biochemical & Clinical Aspects, 1983.

[10] Hernández J, Artillo S., Serrano MI, and Serrano JS. Res Commun Chem Patho Pharma. 43(2):343-346, 1984.

[11] Bousquet P, Feldman J, Bloch R, and Schwartz J. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 98:269-273, 1984.

[12] Podrid PJ, Lampert S, Graboys TB, Blatt CM, Lown B. Aggravation of arrhythmia by antiarrhythmic drugs – incidence and predictors. Am J Cardiol 59:38E-44E, 1987.

[13] Saris, NEL., et al. Magnesium: an update on physiological, clinical and analytical aspects. Clinica Chimica Acta. 294:1-26, 2000.

[14] Saris, NEL., et al. Magnesium: an update on physiological, clinical and analytical aspects. Clinica Chimica Acta. 294:1-26, 2000.

[15] Pelton, Ross et al. Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion Handbook. Lexi-Comp. 1999.

[16] Folkers K., Vadhanavikit S., Mortensen S.A. Biochemical rationale and myocardial tissue data on the effective therapy of cardiomyopathy with coenzyme Q10. In: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U.S.A., vol. 82(3), pp 901-904, 1985.

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April 26, 2024

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