Dr. Rife was one of the biggest medical genius’s this century – his work is both complex and multifarious. Ultimately, using frequency generators that he built, he managed to identify the Mortal Oscillatory Rate (MOR), otherwise known as the “death ray” for eradicating over 55 pathogenic microbes that were the cause of many infectious diseases of the time.
In addition, he also managed to identify the MORs for eradicating the BX and the BY virus that he discovered were implicated in causing cancer. These were viruses that would change forms in the body due to changes in the body that were conducive to these viruses proliferating.
This webpage has been set up to be able to find the main points of Dr Rife’s research quickly and efficiently. There are also many other websites that are dedicated to the work of Dr Rife that are worth visiting.
Dr Rife himself wrote very little in terms of articles and research papers as most of what he had to say was recorded onto reel-to-reel taperecorders. One of the only reports actually written by Dr Rife can be downloaded here:
Another quick way of getting an overall picture of Dr Rife’s work is to view some videos of him working in his laboratory:
The Rise and Fall of a Scientific Genius – Part 1
The Rise and Fall of a Scientific Genius – Part 2
Now that you have a more general picture of Dr Rife’s work, you can dig a little deeper. If your reaction is like many others, you will be both awed and fascinated.
If Dr Rife was allowed to continue his research, instead of being attacked by the Medical Mafia of the time for self-interests, then possibly chronic diseases would not be as we know it today. Many of the cancers and infectious diseases would have been eradicated instead of seeing the pandemic proportions we are seeing today.
This is why it is important that this research is repeated in a scientific and systematic fashion, using the modern technologies that we have available to us today.
A group of scientists have decided to perpetuate the work of Dr Rife by officially registering THE RIFE FOUNDATION in the UK (Registered Charity Number 1161739). The purpose of the charity is to provide a vehicle to collect funding to set up a modern microbiological laboratory in order to repeat Dr Rife’s research.
The project will focus on two main aspects of research, much like Dr Rife did so many years ago:
1. Identifying the Mortal Oscillatory Rate (MOR) of a number of pathogens causing infectious diseases globally
2. Isolating and identifying the Mortal Oscillatory Rate (MOR) of a number of pleomorphic cancer-causing viruses
Initially, the project will focus on some of the more common pathogens that are life-threatening, but no treatments have been found to date. These include Hepatitis B and C, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), Herpes Simplex 1 and 2, MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), and possibly Malaria. Other bacterial infections that are seeing a comeback such as Tuberculosis (TB) and Cholera, as well as pneumonia, strep throat and Meningitis.
Commercializing this technology and making it freely available can help to save many hundreds of thousands of lives all over the globe.
Royal R. Rife, born in 1888, was one of the greatest scientific geniuses of the 20th century. In 1920 he began searching for an electronic way of killing the TB virus. This is when he built his first electronic instrument that utilized the law of resonance. This instrument could produce profound physiological changes in living organisms, and cure chronic and infectious diseases.
Dr. Rife discovered that when a cell was exposed to some form of energy to which it is resonant, this energy would be absorbed by the resonant structure. Should the resonant energy be greater than the cell can effectively dissipate, this cell would fail structurally, sometimes resulting in cell death. A simple way to understand resonance is to think of an opera singer who can break a wine glass with her voice – the wine glass resonates at a certain frequency. If the opera singer can match that natural frequency with her voice, then the glass will absorb this resonant energy and smash.
This simple principle can be applied to living organisms too, such as bacteria and viruses. This is what Dr. Rife managed to do – he discovered a resonant frequency that he called the mortal oscillatory rate (MOR) for over 55 major bacterial diseases. He also found the MOR for cancer after arduous years of experimentation using sophisticated microscopes that enabled him to see micro-organisms in their living form, without killing them by staining. Using this equipment he isolated the cancer virus that he called the “BX” virus.
In time, Rife was able to prove that the cancer micro-organism has 4 forms:
1. BX (carcinoma)
2. BY (sarcoma – larger than the BX virus)
3. Monococcoid form in the monocytes of the blood of over 90% of cancer patients.
4. Crytomyces pleomorpha fungi
A Brief History of The Universal Microscope
Dr. Rife would not have been able to identify the Mortal Oscillatory Rate (MOR) if it was not for the Universal microscope that he invented and built with over 5,800 working parts. It was the most complex microscopes that had ever been built ever, and far surpassed the magnification and resolution abilities of any microscope built till then.
Dr. Rife was able to see the live BX and BY cancer virus under his Universal microscope (see blueprints) in its living form. This way he was able to tune his frequency instrument to the MOR that would kill the virus and see it explode under the microscope. This is how he found the MOR’s for the other microorganisms too.
Even though this microscope is no longer available for commercial work, a replacement microscope that is also capable of seeing viruses in their living state has been designed by a German physicist, Dr Kurt Olbrick, and is called the SeeNano Pro and is sold by a company called Grayfield Optical Inc.
Royal Raymond Rife presented the Universal Microscope to the world in 1933. Besides being the most powerful optical microscope ever made up to that time, it was also the most versatile. The Universal used all types of illumination: polarised, monochromatic or white light, dark field, slit ultra and infra-red.
It could be used for all manners of microscopical work, including petrological work or for crystallography and photomicrography. According to a report submitted to the Journal of the Franklin Institute it had a magnification of 60,000x, and a resolution of 31,000x. The ocular of this instrument was binocular, but it also had a detachable segment lower in the body for monocular observation at 1800x (x=power) magnification.
One of the most attractive features of this microscope is that, in contrast to the Electron Microscope, the Universal Microscope does not kill the specimens under observation and affords observation of natural living specimens in all circumstances, meaning it does not rely on fixing or staining to render visibility or definition.
Rife achieved this by using various modes of lighting to bring viruses into visibility in their natural colors. He first turned to this technique of using light to stain the subjects because he realised that the molecules of the chemical stains were much too large to enter into the structures he sought to visualise. Furthermore, the typical stains used in microscopy are sometimes lethal to the specimens and he wished to see them in their live state.
One factor enabling these natural images was Rife’s use of a device called a Risley counter-rotating prism. This consists of two circular, wedge shaped prisms, mounted face to face and set in a geared-bezel, and so geared as to turn each prism through 360 degrees in opposite directions by means of an extended handle. Rife built a special mount under the stage to accommodate these instruments, and through which he directed a powerful monochromatic beam from his patented lamp. At various declinations of the refracted and polarised ray normally invisible bodies would become visible in a color peculiar to their structure or chemical make-up.
The Universal Rife Microscope
More photos of Dr Rife’s Microscopes
All optical elements in this microscope were made of block quartz, which permits the passage of ultraviolet rays.
By this means Rife revealed that virus and bacterium have a natural range of refraction to various light environments. This suggested that organisms could be classified — if not specified — by their index of refraction in the Risley prism under the Universal Microscope.
Rife began research work on tuberculosis circa 1920. In a short time, it became apparent to Rife there was something else involved in this disease below the level of the bacterium. This spurred his work in developing his “virus” microscopes, of which two preceded the Universal, which are sometimes called the “number 3 Rife microscope.”
Rife was the first worker known to have isolated and photographed the tuberculosis virus, as well as many others. Eventually, Rife also succeeded in isolating a virus specific to cancer, finding it gave off a distinctive purple-red emanation. This virus he named the BX virus: Bacillus X, found in every instance of carcinoma he examined.
The Smithsonian Institute, a highly reputable American Scientific Reseach organisation, released this report on Rife’s Universal Microscope in 1944.
Apparently, the Universal Microscope is presently in a private collectors hands who has restored it back to full functionality, apart from the highest resolution. The whereabouts of the microscope is being kept secret for fear of the powers-at-be wanting to steal and destroy the microscope to prevent Rife’s work from being replicated.
A similar, yet different report was also released in the same year in the Journal of the Franklin institute.
There are also other inventors of super-microscopes; one of the most powerful, the Nemescope, was invented by a brilliant brain surgeon Dr. Elmer P. Nemes, who ran the Nemes Research Laboratories in Los Angeles, California. It is apparently documented that Nemes, Rife and Crane met and discussed how they could merge and develop their microscope systems, in 1968.
Dr. Edward C. Rosenow, MD (1875-1966) was one of the USA’s prominent medical authorities, and was the head of the Mayo Foundation’s Experimental Bacteriology program from 1915 to 1944. His son, Edward Jr., was also a prominent physician, and from 1959 to 1977 was Director of the American College of Physicians. It is of interest that Edward Jr. was practicing Internal Medicine in Pasadena, CA. in the late 1930’s.
After the report, you can see a selection of images made with the original Rife microscope, supplied by the Rife Research group in Canada.
There was also a video film made of Rife and the research laboratory that is certainly worth watching:
The Rise and Fall of a Scientific Genius – Part 1
The Rise and Fall of a Scientific Genius – Part 2
The “New” Super Microscope – the SeeNano Pro (ex-Ergonom)
A German engineer, Kurt Olbrich, has invented an optical light microscope capable of resolving <100nm using reflected and <250nm with transmitted light. The Olbrich Lens System (OLS) has been developed, refined and produced over a period of more than 30 years at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Basic Research in Germany.
Although for commercial reasons, exact details of how these microscopes work is a closely guarded secret, the OLS technology makes use of a white light source and a unique and highly optimised optical system using a different approach to optics and mathematics where the maximum resolution limits do not apply. Variable depth of field, between null and 40-80x normal, is no longer interdependent with resolution and magnification.
Although the SeeNano Pro microscope uses a different proprietary approach to optics than Rife did, Kurt Olbrich has managed to create a microscope today that allows for living samples to be cultured in an enclosed heated chamber and observed in real time while various medicines can be injected into the chamber. This allows medical researchers to determine within about an hour if a certain medicine is effective or not.
For more information and example images and videos, on this remarkable microscope, please look at their website: www.grayfieldoptical.com
This “super microscope” is really the answer that scientists have been waiting for in order to continue with Dr Rife’s research!
There are a number of newspaper and magazine articles from the 30’s that were published mentioning the ground-breaking work of Dr. Rife. Here are a few examples below:
After many years of persistence, and with the assistance of Dr. Arthur I. Kendall, an eminent pathologist and microbiologist at the time, using a special medium Kendall had developed for culturing viruses, they both succeeded in culturing what was known as the “BX virus”. It took Dr Rife over 7 years to activate the virus so it was visible under the Universal microscope, something that he did by accident after leaving a tube with viruses in the glow of an ionizing lamp for 24 hours. He noticed the tube had clouded, indicating activity. Then they performed the culture in a partial vacuum, or anaerobic environment and stimulated them with the ionizing light. Their work was the first successful culturing of viruses outside a living host.
There are many of the original Lab Reports, written in Dr. Rife’s handwriting, that are still available for study.
There is also an original film of Rife’s Laboratory that is certainly worth seeing as it summarized a lot of his work with the cancer virus and it is amazing to see his laboratory in close up.
Rife extracted the cancer virus from an “unulcerated, human breast mass”. He filtered, cultured and recultured these over 10 times over a two hundred and forty hour period. They injected the last generation culture into the breast region of a live rat. The rat would inevitably develop a tumour. Rife would then remove the tumour, extract the virus, and repeat the process. He did this over four hundred times removed from the original sample, proving categorically that the BX virus induced cancerous tumours in every instance.
Rife declared in 1953: “Any of these forms can be changed back to the ‘BX’ within a period of 36 hours and will produce in the experimental animal a typical tumour with all the pathology of true neoplastic tissue, from which we can again recover the ‘BX’ micro-organism. This complete procedure has been duplicated over 300 times with identical and positive results’. There is no doubt that Rife was a perfectionist to the greatest degree!
What did Rife mean when he said that the other forms could be changed back to the ‘BX’ form? If we take what Pasteur has taught the world as the absolute truth, then no micro-organisms can change back to other types. Pasteur taught bacteriology based on Monomorphism – there is basically one micro-organism that causes each of the different diseases.
So, for every disease, there is a different bug. However, this is not what Dr. Rife and other researchers such as Beuchamp, Gaessens and Prof. Enderlein saw in their microscopes. Using a darkfield condenser with an iris objective, they could see different forms changing in front of their eyes. This went directly against Pasteur’s theory of Monomorphism, to one of Pleomorphism.
It is no coincidence that all these researchers, and others, had all seen the same phenomenon of pleomorphism using their microscopes. It is also interesting that monomorphism – one bug for each disease – is still the paradigm that is taught in all medical schools around the world.
By using a darkfield microscope, it is possible to show that the more toxic the internal mileau of the body, the more these micro-organisms change forms to more virulent and pathological types which cause degenerative diseases. The ultimate stage would be the ‘BX’ virus that Rife isolated, or some of the fungal micro-organisms that Prof. Enderlein and others have isolated and are found in over 90% of cancer patients.
As Rife declared in 1953: “these successful tests were conducted over 400 times with experimental animals, before any attempt was made to use the frequency instrument on human cases of carcinoma and sarcoma.”
In 1934, Dr. Rife opened a clinic, which successfully cured 16 of 16 cases within 120 days. Working with some of the most respected researchers in America along with leading doctors from Southern California, he electronically destroyed the cancer virus in patients, allowing their own immune systems to restore health. A Special Research Committee of the University of Southern California oversaw the laboratory research and the experimental treatments until the end of the 1930s. Follow-up clinics conducted in 1935, 1936 and 1937 by the head of the U.S.C. Medical Committee verified the results of the 1934 clinic. In 1953 Rife talked about the cancer treatments he was using:
“The first clinical work on cancer was completed under the supervision of Milbank Johnson, M.D. which was set up under a Special Medical Research Committee of the University of Southern California. 16 cases were treated at the clinic for many types of malignancy. After 3 months, 14 of these so-called hopeless cases were signed off as clinically cured by the staff of five medical doctors and Dr. Alvin G. Ford, M.D. Pathologist for the group.
The treatments consisted of using the frequency instrument for 3 minutes at a time, at 3-day intervals – this was the mortal oscillatory rate for `BX’ or cancer. It was found that the elapsed time between treatments attains better results than the cases treated daily. This gives the lymphatic system an opportunity to absorb and cast off the toxic condition that is produced by the devitalized dead particles of the `BX’ virus. No rise of body temperature was perceptible in any of these cases above normal during or after the frequency instrument treatment.
No special diets were used in any of this clinical work, but we sincerely believe that a proper diet compiled for the individual would be of benefit.” Date: December 1, 1953 Written by R. R. Rife.
Other members of the clinic were Whalen Morrison, Chief Surgeon of the Santa Fe Railway, George C. Dock, M.D., internationally famous, George C. Fischer, M.D., Children’s Hospital in New York, Arthur I. Kendall, Dr. Zite, M.D., professor of pathology at Chicago University, Rufus B. Von Klein Schmidt, President of the University of Southern California.
Dr. Couche and Dr. Carl Meyer, Ph.D., head of the Department of Bacteriological Research at the Hooper Foundation in San Francisco were also present. Dr. Kopps of the Metabolic Clinic in La Jolla signed all 14 reports and knew of all the tests from his personal observation.
One year later on September 18, 1935, Milbank Johnson wrote to Dr. Thomas Burger and Dr. C. Ray Launsberry in San Diego:
“This will introduce to you Mr. Thomas Knight. He was the man who had the carcinoma over the malar bone of his left cheek that we treated at the clinic in La Jolla last year.”
The history of the frequency instruments that were used by Dr Rife is complex. One of the best reports written in layman’s terms was by Jeff Garff of AAA Productions which examines the way Dr. Rife’s instruments were built.
In 1956, Dr. James Gouche made the following declaration:
“I would like to make this historical record of the amazing scientific wonders regarding the efficacy of the frequencies of the Royal R. Rife Frequency Instrument.”
“In that period of time I saw many things and the one that impressed me the most was a man who staggered onto a table, just on the last end of cancer; he was a bag of bones. As he lay on the table, Dr. Rife and Dr. Johnson said, `Just feel that man’s stomach.’ So I put my hand on the cavity where his stomach was underneath and it was just a cavity almost, because he was so thin; his backbone and his belly were just about touching each other.
“I put my hand on his stomach which was just one solid mass, just about what I could cover with my hand, somewhat like the shape of a heart. It was absolutely solid! And I thought to myself, well, nothing can be done for that. However, they gave him a treatment with the Rife frequencies and in the course of time over a period of six weeks to two months, to my astonishment, he completely recovered. He got so well that he asked permission to go to El Centro as he had a farm there and he wanted to see about his stock. Dr. Rife said, `Now you haven’t the strength to drive to El Centro.’ “Oh, yes” said he. “I have, but I’ll have a man to drive me there.” As a matter of fact, the patient drove his own car there and when he got down to El Centro he had a sick cow and he stayed up all night with it. The next day he drove back without any rest whatsoever so you can imagine how he had recovered.”
“I saw other cases that were very interesting. Then I wanted a copy of the frequency instrument. I finally bought one of these frequency instruments and established it in my office.”
“I saw some very remarkable things resulting from it in the course of over twenty years. I had a Mexican boy, nine years of age, who had osteomyelitis of the leg. His attending doctors treated him at the Mercy Hospital. They scraped the bone every week. It was agonizing to the child because they never gave him anything; they just poked in there and cleaned him out and the terror of that boy was awful. He wore a splint and was on crutches. His family brought him to the office. He was terrified that I would poke him as the other doctors had done. I reassured him and demonstrated the instrument on my own hand to show him that it would not hurt. With the bandage and splint still on he was given a treatment. In less than two weeks of treatment the wound was completely healed and he took off his splints and threw them away. He is a great big powerful man now and has never had any comeback of his osteomyelitis. He was completely cured. There were many cases such as this.”
Independent physicians utilizing the equipment successfully treated as many as 40 people per day during these years. In addition to curing cancer and other deadly diseases, degenerative conditions such as cataracts were reversed. Rife had been able to determine the precise electrical frequency that destroyed individual micro-organisms responsible for cancer, herpes, tuberculosis, and other illnesses. His work was described in Science magazine, medical journals, and later the Smithsonian Institution’s annual report.
Milbank Johnson, M.D., Medical Director of the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company, President of the Southern California Auto Club, gave a dinner to honour the accomplishments and achievements of Royal R. Rife in his home at Pasadena called Belbank. The cabinet to the right supported the solid gold dishes of Napoleon. Johnson was reportedly worth $15-million.
The doctors attending from all over the United States were:
Dr. Arthur I. Kendall | Dr. George Dock |
Dr. S. Fosdick Jones | Dr. O.O. Witherbee |
Dr. C.M. Hyland | Dr. Harold Witherbee |
Dr. Alvin G. Foord | Dr. B.O. Raulston |
Dr. V.L. Andrews | Dr. Linford Lee |
Dr. Milbank Johnson | Dr. George Kress |
Dr. Rufus B. Von klein Scmidt | Dr. Albert Ruddack |
Dr. Wayland Morrison | Dr. Richard Winter |
Dr. F.C.E. Mattison | Dr. M. Aubrey Davidson |
Dr. Joseph Heitger | Dr. W.H. Sooins |
Dr. E.M.Hal l | Dr. Walter V. Breem |
Dr. C.W. Bonynge | Also invited: |
Dr. E.W. Butt | Dr. C.E. Zobell |
Dr. A.S. Heyt | Dr. B. Winter Gonin |
Dr. E.W. Lanson | Dr. 0.C. Grunner |
Dr. A.H. Zeiler | Dr. James B. Couche |
Dr. R.W. Hammack | Dr. K.F. Meyer |
Dr. C.D. Maner | Dr. Arthur W. Yale |
Dr. Ellis Jones | Dr. E.L. Walker |
Royal R. Rife | Dr. E.C. Rosenow, Sr. |
Dr. Allen B. Kanaval | Dr. E.F.F. Copp |
Dr. Sanwel J. Tattison | Dr. Royal Lee |
Dr. J. BrandonBruner | Dr. Lee DeForest |
Dated: November 20th 1931
Unfortunately, Rife’s scientific theories and method of treatment conflicted with orthodox views. His work was stopped and both the research and the treatments were forced underground. The AMA took him and his associates to court – this trial would start Rife on a long road of deterioration, alcoholism and depression ……… as the deaths from cancer mounted year after year. While the court case was taking place (and afterwards), the AMA visited all the doctors involved. Those who didn’t stop using the Frequency Instrument would lose their medical license. One of his main co-supporters Milbank Johnson died under mysterious circumstances (possibly poisoned), and records of Rife’s work were destroyed. No medical journal was ever permitted to print Rife’s work, except one by the Franklin Institute that slipped by the censors. In 1946, Rife’s problems forced him to sell off his laboratory piece by piece.
Doctors secretly continued curing cancer patients for 22 years after the original success of the 1934 clinic, but always with opposition from medical and governmental authorities. However, from 1950 to the mid-1980s, a number of research scientists, working independently, have slowly been verifying the scientific principles upon which Rife’s clinical cures of the 1930s were based. A body of recognized scientific evidence now overwhelmingly supports the original cancer theories articulated and demonstrated by Rife 50 years ago. This includes modern AIDS researchers.
In the 1950s, John Crane – engineer, machinist, laboratory analyst, health researcher and inventor – became Rife’s partner. Crane, born in 1915, worked at Rife’s side from 1950 until Rife’s death in 1971. During this time, he learned all the secrets of Rife’s cancer cure . . . and all the details of its suppression. Together, the two men designed and constructed new and better equipment, and managed to interest a new generation of doctors in the possibilities of a genuine, lasting and painless cancer cure. And again the authorities struck. Crane was jailed, equipment was smashed, and records were destroyed. Again the motives driving on the forces of suppression were the same.
As Barry Lynes explains in his excellent book “The Cancer Cure That Worked: Fifty Years of Suppression:” “The AMA was guarding its pocket book, the pharmaceutical companies had “chemotherapy” to push for profit, because the American Cancer Society was a big money public relations fraud, because the FDA was owned by the cancer monopolies, because the media was silent, silent, silent.”
Such is the state of modern “political” medicine. The authorities protect their prestige and huge research grants while almost half-million Americans die of cancer every year. Political leaders legislate more money for research. But the money goes directly into the hands of those who refuse to consider that a pleomorphic bacteria/virus is the cause of cancer, and very possibly AIDS. New chemotherapy is devised for new, desperate, human guinea pigs. Talking about “barking up the wrong tree,” and what a shameful waste of public funds! Imagine what could have been achieved by Rife and his followers had this money been funnelled into his work, instead of the pharmaceutical industries? Do you think that cancer would be claiming about ONE LIFE PER MINUTE in the US alone?
Many people have tried to replicate the original Rife device, with little success.
Even though research in the field of Bioresonance is scant, mainly because this type of research is only privately funded, there have been a number of researchers over the years that have been actively involved in this type of research using bioresonance to heal – some of these peer-reviewed articles are given below:
- Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2004 Dec; 48(12): 4662–4664. doi: 1128/AAC.48.12.4662-4664.2004. A Radio Frequency Electric Current Enhances Antibiotic Efficacy against Bacterial Biofilms. R. Caubet,F. Pedarros-Caubet, M. Chu, E. Freye, M. de Belém Rodrigues, J. M. Moreau, and W. J. Ellison (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC529182/)
- NovoTTF-100A System is a portable, non-invasive medical device designed for continuous use by patients. In vitro and in vivo studies have shown that the NovoTTF- 100A System slows and reverses tumor growth by inhibiting mitosis, the process by which cells divide and replicate. The NovoTTF-100A System creates a low intensity, alternating electric field within a tumor that exerts physical forces on electrically charged cellular components, preventing the normal mitotic process and causing cancer cell death. In patients with recurrent glioblastoma brain tumors, the system has shown clinical efficacy comparable to that of active chemotherapies with better quality of life and without many of the side effects of chemotherapy. The NovoTTF-100A System has received marketing approval in the United States (U.S.) under the brand name Optune™ and is a CE Marked device cleared for sale in the European Union, Switzerland, Australia and Israel.
Recently approved by the FDA – see http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/ProductsandMedicalProcedures/DeviceApprovalsandClearances/Recently-ApprovedDevices/ucm254480.htm
- Appl Environ Microbiol. 2003 Apr; 69(4): 2405–2408. Inactivation of Bacteria in Seawater by Low-Amperage Electric Current.
- Jong-Chul Park, Min Sub Lee, Dong Hee Lee, Bong Joo Park, Dong-Wook Han, Masakazu Uzawa, and Kosuke Takatori (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC154785/)
- J Antimicrob Chemother.1997 Jun;39(6):687-95. Mechanisms of the bactericidal activity of low amperage electric current (DC). Liu WK, Brown MR, Elliott TS. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9222036)
- Bull Exp Biol Med.2002 Sep;134(3):248-50. Effect of bioresonance therapy on antioxidant system in lymphocytes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Islamov BI, Balabanova RM, Funtikov VA, Gotovskii YV, Meizerov EE.
Bioresonance therapy increased the content of reduced glutathione and normalized activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GP) in lymphocytes.
- Growth inhibition of Staphylococcus aureusinduced by low-frequency electric and electromagnetic fields. Andreas Obermeier Florian Dominik Matl Wolfgang Friess and Axel Stemberger Bioelectromagnetics, Vol 30, 4, May 2009.
- Sterilization of Escherichia coli cells by the application of pulsed magnetic field. Journal of Environmental Sciences. Volume 16, Number 2 / 2004.
- Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields affect the immune response of monocyte-derived macrophages to pathogens. Bioelectromagnetics. Volume 31, Issue 8, pages 603–612, December 2010.
- Gig Sanit.2010 Sep-Oct;(5):90-1.[Investigation of the antiparasitic activity of paracels series apparatuses]. [Article in Russian]. Chernyshenko AI, Novosil’tsev GI, Ivanov VM.
The paper provides a preliminary positive assessment of the results of experimental studies of the inactivating effect of a bioresonance technology against Lamblia cysts and Cryptosporidium oocysts in vitro
- Salzberg M, Kirson E, Palti Y, Rochlitz C. A pilot study with very low intensity, intermediate-frequency electric fields in patients with locally advanced and/or metastatic solid tumors. Onkologie 2008; 31: 362-5.
- Kirson ED, Giladi M, Gurvich Z, Itzhaki A, Mordechovich D, Schneiderman RS, Wasserman Y, Ryffel B, Goldsher D, Palti Y. Alternating electric fields (TTFields) inhibit metastatic spread of solid tumors to the lungs. Clin Exp Metastasis 2009; 26(7): 633-40.
13. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development. Volume 41 Number 2, March/April 2004. pp 139 – 146. A comparison of four electrical stimulation types on Staphylococcus aureus growth in vitro. Harold L. Merriman, PhD, MPT; Chris A. Hegyi, MPT; Cheryl R. Albright-Overton, MPT; John Carlos, Jr, PhD, PT; Robert W. Putnam, PhD; Janet A. Mulcare, PhD. (http://www.rehab.research.va.gov/jour/04/41/2/merriman.html)
14. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater.2004 Feb 15;68(2):160-4. Electric-current-induced detachment of Staphylococcus epidermidis strains from surgical stainless steel. van der Borden AJ1, van der Mei HC, Busscher HJ.
What other possibilities are there for furthering the research that Dr Rife began but did not finish?
There are many aspects of research that need to be completed that would be to the benefit of the whole of humanity.