(Strictly Confidential)


The Rife Foundation is a registered Charity in the UK with the Charities Commission (Registered no: 1161739). It was named after the famous scientist who worked in the 1930’s, Dr Royal Raymond Rife.

Royal Raymond Rife (1888 – 1971) was one of the medical geniuses of this century – a scientist, pathologist and microbiologist who developed an optical microscope (Universal Microscope) that could provide magnifications and resolutions that defied the laws of optics and physics. He was able, through special quartz optics and a creative optical heterodyning techniques, to obtain these resolutions even though they surpassed the theoretical limits of ordinary visible light microscopy. His most powerful instrument is said to be the Universal Microscope, which had a magnification of 61,000X and a resolution of 30,000 diameters.

Rife began his work with the microscopes in the early 1920’s and it was from these original developments that he would make many of his revolutionary discoveries. It is argued that Rife was the first person to empirically prove that virus and bacteria are pleomorphic forms. Pleomorphism is the phenomenon by which one distinct life form mutates into another.

Rife basically classified pathogenic bacteria into 10 individual groups. Rife demonstrated that any organism within its group could be transformed morphologically into any other organism within the 10 groups by carefully altering the media or pH in which it was cultured. Of course this discovery tends to contradict modern microbiology which teaches that a bacteria’s morphology is fixed and unchangeable.

Objectives of Research

We have already seen above how in the 1920’s the medical genius Dr Royal Raymond Rife working in the field of microbiology managed to find novel cures for many infectious diseases.

He built a special microscope that defied the laws of optics and physics and was able to see living viruses with high resolution. He then built frequency generators to eradicate the pathogens using the principles of bioresonance.

The research study proposed here will basically revisit a lot of Dr Rife’s work, using equivalent modern-day microscopes capable of similar magnifications and resolutions, as well as frequency generators capable of producing similar frequencies to Dr Rife’s original generators.

The microscope that is now commercially available is known as the SeeNano Pro – this has the ability to see living viruses up to a magnification of about 30,000 times, with a resolution of 100 nm or lower. This will enable the researchers to see the living viruses they are studying and be able to determine their Mortal Oscillatory Rate (MOR) much like Dr Rife did more than 75 years ago.

Ergonom 500


The project will focus on two main aspects of research, much like Dr Rife did so many years ago:

1. Identifying the Mortal Oscillatory Rate (MOR) of a number of pathogens causing infectious diseases globally

2. Isolating and identifying the Mortal Oscillatory Rate (MOR) of a number of pleomorphic cancer-causing viruses

Initially, the project will focus on some of the more common pathogens that are life-threatening, but no treatments have been found to date. These include Hepatitis B and C, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), Herpes Simplex 1 and 2, MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), and possibly Malaria. Other bacterial infections that are seeing a comeback such as Tuberculosis (TB) and Cholera, as well as pneumonia, strep throat and Meningitis.

Commercializing this technology and making it freely available can help to save many hundreds of thousands of lives all over the globe.


The most serious concern with antibiotic resistance is that some bacteria have become resistant to almost all of the easily available antibiotics. These bacteria are able to cause serious disease and this is a major public health problem.

In 2013, CDC published a report outlining the top 18 drug-resistant threats to the United States. These threats were categorized based on level of concern: urgent, serious, and concerning.

It is envisaged that as soon as funding is in place this important research will begin by identifying the Mortal Oscillatory Rates or the specific oscillatory frequencies that will eradicate infectious diseases, beginning with the urgent categories such as:

  • Clostridium Difficile (CDIFF)

Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) causes life-threatening diarrhoea. These infections mostly occur in people who have had both recent medical care and antibiotics.  Often, C. difficile infections occur in hospitalized or recently hospitalized patients.

Update:2015 CDC study found that C. difficile caused almost half a million infections among patients in the United States in a single year. An estimated 15,000 deaths are directly attributable to C. difficile infections, making it a substantial cause of infectious disease death in the United States. We estimate that up to $3,800,000,000 in medical costs could be saved over 5 years.

  • Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE)

Untreatable and hard-to-treat infections from carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) bacteria are on the rise among patients in medical facilities.  CRE have become resistant to all or nearly all the antibiotics we have today.  Almost half of hospital patients who get bloodstream infections from CRE bacteria die from the infection.

  • Drug-Resistant Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

Neisseria gonorrhoeae causes gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted disease that can result in discharge and inflammation at the urethra, cervix, pharynx, or rectum.

  • Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) causes a range of illnesses, from skin and wound infections to pneumonia and bloodstream infections that can cause sepsis and death.  Staph bacteria, including MRSA, are one of the most common causes of healthcare-associated infections.

In addition to these antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria, there are other infectious diseases that presently have no cure using any form of medication, which include:

  • Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis C virus: the virus can cause both acute and chronic hepatitis infection, ranging in severity from a mild illness lasting a few weeks to a serious, lifelong illness. 130–150 million people globally have chronic hepatitis C infection and approximately 500 000 people die each year from hepatitis C-related liver diseases. There is currently no vaccine for hepatitis C.

  • Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

Human papilloma viruses are known as HPV. They can affect the skin and the moist membranes that line parts of the body, including: the lining of the mouth and throat, the vulva, the cervix, the vagina and the anus.

There are many different species of HPV, and the HPV-16 and HPV-18 are the “high risk” that can cause cervical cancer in women, for which there is no real cure apart from surgery.


There is no reason, once the Mortal Oscillatory Rates are identified for these microorganisms, that frequency or bioresonance devices can be made commercially available and accessible to the people around the globe.

There are two different types of frequency devices that can be manufactured:

  1. Large devices that can be used in clinics and hospitals to treat a large group of people concomitantly.
  2. Small, hand-held bioresonance devices that can be used in the comfort of ones home, with individual SIM cards encoded with the frequencies that will eradicate specific microorganisms. So the users will simply purchase in addition to the main device the SIM card they want to use, i.e. MRSA, HPV and the like.

The technology to build such devices is presently available, but first the Mortal Oscillatory Frequencies must be discovered through the research that the Rife Foundation will be undertaking.

In the long term, this will empower each person to treat themselves of life-threatening infectious diseases, without the side effects of medications in a much more cost effective way for themselves and the state as a whole. This will save the hospital and the state millions in funds that are presently spent on treating these diseases, as well as millions of deaths globally.


Dr Royal Raymond Rife in 1934 had identified the Bacillus X and Y viruses that he found in all cancer cells that he examined. After identifying the Mortal Oscillatory Rate or the oscillatory frequency that kills this virus, he was able to successfully cure a number of cancer cases.

There is no reason why this work should not be revisited and the frequencies identified to eradicate these cancer viruses, which inevitably have mutated and changed frequencies over the last 80 years or so.




The Ray of Discovery – Dr Royal Raymond Rife – Part 1

The Ray of Discovery – Dr Royal Raymond Rife – Part 2

The Ray of Discovery – Dr Royal Raymond Rife – Part 3

The Ray of Discovery – Dr Royal Raymond Rife – Part 4

The Ray of Discovery – Dr Royal Raymond Rife – Part 5

The Ray of Discovery – Dr Royal Raymond Rife – Part 6

Resonance – Beings of Frequency (Documentary)

The Rife Research Labs – Part 1

The Rife Research Labs – Part 2

The Rife Research Labs – Part 3

The Rife Research Labs – Part 4

The Rife Research Labs – Part 5

The Suppressed Cancer Cure – Dr Rife

BUDGET PLAN – 2016 – 2017

The project is planned to span over two years and can then be expanded to include other pathogens that have not been identified during this initial stage of the research, given that the research infrastructure will be in place.

The basic expenses for set-up and running costs include:

  • Setting up a modern microbiology lab with the following equipment:
  • SeeNano Pro microscope – will allow one to see living pathogens, including viruses to a 100 nm true resolution enabling magnification greater than 25,000 times and much higher, using electronic magnification, fully equipped with video cameras for recording the research.

The current Grayfield Lens System (GLS) is the result of over 40 years of research and development. It is a unique optical system whereby the limits normally associated with optical resolution simply do not apply. The results are similar to what Dr. Rife achieved many years ago.

  • Culture Growth Chamber – allows the researcher to observe living cultures in real time at high resolutions. It is possible to grow cultures in these chambers and observe the effects of hitting the pathogens in vitro with frequencies.
  • Nano Positioning System – this system has been specifically designed to allow the exact positioning of an object with incredible accuracy to 2.5 nm.

TOTAL: £275,000

  • Other laboratory equipment includes:
  • ECO Clean bench
  • 2 x Microbiological incubators
  • 2 x Biological safety cabinets – Class II and III
  • Water Purification System
  • Dual-Action Orbital Reciprocating Shaker
  • Micro-Ultracentrifuge
  • 2 x Sterilizers
  • Various Glassware
  • Rife Frequency Generator
  • Spectrum Analyzer
  • Frequency counter

TOTAL: £75,000

3.1 Purchasing of consumables, chemicals, living microorganisms

£15,000 yearly x 2 =

TOTAL: £30,000

4.1 Renting appropriate premises for setting up the laboratory – approximately 200 sq. m divided into different sections – preferably away from cities.

TOTAL: £25,000 yearly x 2 =

TOTAL: £50,000

5.1 Re-structuring the rented space with electrics, appropriate wall coverings, clean room etc.

TOTAL: £35,000

6.1 Installation of computer terminals with a central database system and backups

TOTAL: £5,000

7.1 Installation of Fireproof filing cabinets and safe

TOTAL: £5,000

8.1 Installation of security alarm and monitoring and surveillance equipment

TOTAL: £8,000

9.1 Fire, building and equipment insurance

£5,000 yearly x 2 =

TOTAL: £10,000

10.1 Yearly servicing contract for laboratory equipment

£8,000 x 2 =

TOTAL: £16,000

11.1 Yearly commodities such as electricity, water, gas (laboratory rooms must maintain even temperatures all year round)

£18,000 yearly over two years =

TOTAL: £36,000

12.1 Salaries of scientists and staff members:

1 Prinicipal Investigator – £90,000 + National Insurance (N.I) + Income tax (I.T)

1 Qualified post-doctoral Clinical Microbiologist – £75,000 + N.I. + I.T.

1 microbiological laboratory technician – £30,000 + N.I. + I.T.

1 secretary/administrative director – £24,000 + N.I. + I.T.

1 cleaning staff (part-time) – £10,000 + N.I. + I.T.



13.1 Yearly travelling expenses for research purposes, including hotels and transport for researchers.

TOTAL: £15,000

            14.1 A 20% contingency budget to cover any time extensions, additional equipment and staff not presently included in the abovementioned figures:



N.B. These figures are realistic estimates and cannot be precise at the moment of preparation due to fluctuating exchange rates, freight charges as well as efficient and cost effective sourcing of equipment and materials.

A factoring of plus/minus 10% would make this more accurate.


This link will give further information on Dr Georgiou’s career to date



Dr. George J Georgiou, Ph.D., D.Sc (AM)., N.D., M.Sc., B.Sc., C. Psychol., AFBPsS., C.Biol., M.S.Biol., RMS., FAACS., ABS., ACS., DipION., M.H., AMH., GCRN., MRNI., FBIH., ESLM.
Holistic Medicine Practitioner & Researcher
Tel: (+357) 24-82 33 22
Skype: davincicyprus

 Dated: 15.02.16

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Copyright The Rife Foundation, 2016. All Rights Reserved.