Water as a Medicine

Water as a Medicine


RARE indeed are those books destined to become all‑time classics. Even rarer are books destined to accomplish a paradigm shift in any major area of modern knowledge. Of still greater rarity are books destined to benefit significantly the health of countless millions of human beings, at no cost to them. Such a landmark book is Your Body’s Many Cries for Water by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj. He is a London-educated Iranian medical doctor who has made revolutionary discoveries about the water metabolism of the human body. His astounding basic breakthrough was made while he was confined to a Teheran prison, this being a unique circumstance in itself.ARISTOCRATIC LINEAGE
Dr. Batmanghelidj is of aristocratic lineage in his native Iran, and when the Shah was overthrown, the doctor was arrested and jailed with more than 3,000 other well-born victims of the Khomeini revolution. While these unfortunates wore awaiting execution, Dr. Batmanghelidj was assigned as their medical officer pending his own appearance before a firing squad. He had no medical resources other than water, in an environment pervaded by stress and terror. Indeed, the doctor found himself incarcerated in a gigantic stress laboratory.This became the milieu in which fundamental discoveries were made regarding the medicinal and functional value of water. These are discoveries that have eluded giant medical trusts, vast hospital complexes, battalions of medical professors, universities that boast about their sophisticated research facilities, and all the vaunted resources of the pharmaceutical industry. None of them, or indeed, all of them combined, were capable: of penetrating to the bedrock of human health: adequate daily water intake.

Without realizing it initially, Dr. Batmanghelidj was working with clinical controls in place. Prison discipline enabled him to follow up his patients, who had no possibility of evasion. Forced to use water medicinally, and water alone, Dr. Batmanghelidj was astonished in following up his patients, to find that water was effecting full cures of diverse, normally ineradicable diseases. These cures occurred in a complete fashion not seen in response to medication, which “treats” or “controls” such recalcitrant and diverse diseases as asthma, arthritis, high blood pressure and ulcers. Official medicine has only palliatives for these conditions, not cures.

Dr. Batmanghelidj was blessed by a first class medical training at St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School of London University, one of the most respected medical schools in the western world. He was one of the last students of the eminent discoverer of penicillin, Sir Alexander Fleming. Thus steeped in classical orthodoxy, Dr. Batmanghelidj was totally embarrassed to find that water was doing in a dependable way, what medication had never been able to do. In his classical medical training, like orthodox doctors world-wide, Dr. Batmanghelidj was taught that it was the solid material in the body (the solute) that was important. Only an incidental status was assigned to the solvent aspects of the human body to water.

Scientific research shows that water has many other properties beside being a solvent and a means of transport. These properties include:

1. A hydrolytic role in all aspects of body metabolism – water-dependent chemical reactions (hydrolysis).

2. At the cell membrane, the osmotic flow of water through the membrane can generate “hydroelectric energy”

(voltage) that is converted and stored in the energy pools in form of ATP and GTP – two vital energy systems.

3. Water also forms a particular structure, pattern and shape that seems to be employed as the “adhesive material”

in the bondage of the cell architecture. Like glue, it sticks the solid structure in the cell membrane together. It develops the stickiness of “ice” at higher body temperature.

4. Products manufactured in the brain cells are transported on “waterways” to their destination in the nerve endings for use in the transmission of messages. There seems to exist small waterways or micro streams along the length of nerves that “float” the packaged materials along “guidelines” called microtubules.

5. Proteins and the enzymes of the body function more efficiently in solutions of lower viscosity – this is true of all the receptors in the cell membranes.

The new paradigm shift for future research should be “Water, the solvent of the body, regulates all functions, including the activity of the solutes it dissolves and circulates”.

Elusive and seemingly unrelated conditions like dyspeptic pain, stress and depression, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, excess body weight, chronic fatigue, arthritis, asthma and allergies, insulin-independent diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, back problems and a host of lesser complaints that bedevil human beings, have all yielded to the ingestion of adequate daily water. Dr. Batmanghelidj identifies Alzheimer’s as due to dehydration of the brain.

Dr. Batmanghelidj has personally treated with only water well over 3,000 persons with dyspeptic pain, with the result that the clinical symptoms related to pain all disappeared.

Eight 8-ounce glasses daily is the recommended regimen advocated by Dr. Batmanghelidj, to keep the human body fully hydrated. For each cup of coffee or other caffeinated drink, an additional, compensating eight-ounce glass of water is required.

Perhaps the most welcome and convincing finding of Dr. Batmanghelidj is the key role played by dehydration in creating back ailments in human beings. The spinal discs consist of about eighty percent water. When these discs atrophy through varying degrees of dehydration, an afflicted human is off on one of the most miserable medical merry-go-rounds known to man. The human spine has to support about 75 percent of body weight. Without fully-hydrated and resilient spinal discs, the spine cannot perform its function properly. “Back problems” ensue.

Abnormal physical and nervous pressures develop and vertebrae become misplaced as the spinal discs collapse. In the U.S.A., such back problems are now on an epidemic scale, largely defy physicians and surgeons, and endlessly persecute the afflicted.

Dr. Batmanghelidj has found that rehydration restores the integrity and resilience of the spinal discs. Simple exercises he has devised, create a natural vacuum effect: that draws the needed water back into the discs, whose proper bearing function is thereby eventually normalized. Contrast this with the dead-end, mechanistic “back surgery” that now consumes hundreds of millions of dollars in surgeons’ fees and hospital costs every year.

Back pains are among the body’s many cries for water, from which Dr. Batmanghelidj’s book has appropriately taken its title. The horrific wheezing of an asthmatic, which is one of the most embarrassing and distressing things anyone can witness, is similarly the body crying for water. Dr. Batmanghelidj has demonstrated that asthma is due to the body’s natural histamines constricting the lungs to limit any further loss of water via the breath. The person so afflicted is desperately dehydrated. In the prison environment in Iran, adequate water provided a cure for asthma

Dr. Batmanghelidj views the way hypertension is classically treated as “scientific absurdity”. The dehydrated body is desperately trying to hang on to its water volume. Uncomprehending physicians intervene with diuretics and literally force more water out of an already dehydrated body. The author gives lucid, comprehensible descriptions of the exquisite hydraulic design and engineering of the human body, and the diverse functions of the cells, capillaries and membranes as they operate to compensate for dehydration.

If the body’s many cries for water are ignored, as they are in contemporary America, degenerative diseases are the inevitable consequence. A congress scrabbling to deal financially with an avalanche of degenerative disease, is verification enough that the time has come for a new medical paradigm.


RARE indeed are those books destined to become all‑time classics. Even rarer are books destined to accomplish a paradigm shift in any major area of modern knowledge. Of still greater rarity are books destined to benefit significantly the health of countless millions of human beings, at no cost to them. Such a landmark book is Your Body’s Many Cries for Water by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj. He is a London-educated Iranian medical doctor who has made revolutionary discoveries about the water metabolism of the human body. His astounding basic breakthrough was made while he was confined to a Teheran prison, this being a unique circumstance in itself.

Dr. Batmanghelidj is of aristocratic lineage in his native Iran, and when the Shah was overthrown, the doctor was arrested and jailed with more than 3,000 other well-born victims of the Khomeini revolution. While these unfortunates wore awaiting execution, Dr. Batmanghelidj was assigned as their medical officer pending his own appearance before a firing squad. He had no medical resources other than water, in an environment pervaded by stress and terror. Indeed, the doctor found himself incarcerated in a gigantic stress laboratory.

This became the milieu in which fundamental discoveries were made regarding the medicinal and functional value of water. These are discoveries that have eluded giant medical trusts, vast hospital complexes, battalions of medical professors, universities that boast about their sophisticated research facilities, and all the vaunted resources of the pharmaceutical industry. None of them, or indeed, all of them combined, were capable: of penetrating to the bedrock of human health: adequate daily water intake.

Without realizing it initially, Dr. Batmanghelidj was working with clinical controls in place. Prison discipline enabled him to follow up his patients, who had no possibility of evasion. Forced to use water medicinally, and water alone, Dr. Batmanghelidj was astonished in following up his patients, to find that water was effecting full cures of diverse, normally ineradicable diseases. These cures occurred in a complete fashion not seen in response to medication, which “treats” or “controls” such recalcitrant and diverse diseases as asthma, arthritis, high blood pressure and ulcers. Official medicine has only palliatives for these conditions, not cures.

Dr. Batmanghelidj was blessed by a first class medical training at St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School of London University, one of the most respected medical schools in the western world. He was one of the last students of the eminent discoverer of penicillin, Sir Alexander Fleming. Thus steeped in classical orthodoxy, Dr. Batmanghelidj was totally embarrassed to find that water was doing in a dependable way, what medication had never been able to do. In his classical medical training, like orthodox doctors world-wide, Dr. Batmanghelidj was taught that it was the solid material in the body (the solute) that was important. Only an incidental status was assigned to the solvent aspects of the human body to water.

Scientific research shows that water has many other properties beside being a solvent and a means of transport. These properties include:

1. A hydrolytic role in all aspects of body metabolism – water-dependent chemical reactions (hydrolysis).

2. At the cell membrane, the osmotic flow of water through the membrane can generate “hydroelectric energy”

(voltage) that is converted and stored in the energy pools in form of ATP and GTP – two vital energy systems.

3. Water also forms a particular structure, pattern and shape that seems to be employed as the “adhesive material”

in the bondage of the cell architecture. Like glue, it sticks the solid structure in the cell membrane together. It develops the stickiness of “ice” at higher body temperature.

4. Products manufactured in the brain cells are transported on “waterways” to their destination in the nerve endings for use in the transmission of messages. There seems to exist small waterways or micro streams along the length of nerves that “float” the packaged materials along “guidelines” called microtubules.

5. Proteins and the enzymes of the body function more efficiently in solutions of lower viscosity – this is true of all the receptors in the cell membranes.

The new paradigm shift for future research should be “Water, the solvent of the body, regulates all functions, including the activity of the solutes it dissolves and circulates”.

Elusive and seemingly unrelated conditions like dyspeptic pain, stress and depression, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, excess body weight, chronic fatigue, arthritis, asthma and allergies, insulin-independent diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, back problems and a host of lesser complaints that bedevil human beings, have all yielded to the ingestion of adequate daily water. Dr. Batmanghelidj identifies Alzheimer’s as due to dehydration of the brain.

Dr. Batmanghelidj has personally treated with only water well over 3,000 persons with dyspeptic pain, with the result that the clinical symptoms related to pain all disappeared.

Eight 8-ounce glasses daily is the recommended regimen advocated by Dr. Batmanghelidj, to keep the human body fully hydrated. For each cup of coffee or other caffeinated drink, an additional, compensating eight-ounce glass of water is required.

Perhaps the most welcome and convincing finding of Dr. Batmanghelidj is the key role played by dehydration in creating back ailments in human beings. The spinal discs consist of about eighty percent water. When these discs atrophy through varying degrees of dehydration, an afflicted human is off on one of the most miserable medical merry-go-rounds known to man. The human spine has to support about 75 percent of body weight. Without fully-hydrated and resilient spinal discs, the spine cannot perform its function properly. “Back problems” ensue.

Abnormal physical and nervous pressures develop and vertebrae become misplaced as the spinal discs collapse. In the U.S.A., such back problems are now on an epidemic scale, largely defy physicians and surgeons, and endlessly persecute the afflicted.

Dr. Batmanghelidj has found that rehydration restores the integrity and resilience of the spinal discs. Simple exercises he has devised, create a natural vacuum effect: that draws the needed water back into the discs, whose proper bearing function is thereby eventually normalized. Contrast this with the dead-end, mechanistic “back surgery” that now consumes hundreds of millions of dollars in surgeons’ fees and hospital costs every year.

Back pains are among the body’s many cries for water, from which Dr. Batmanghelidj’s book has appropriately taken its title. The horrific wheezing of an asthmatic, which is one of the most embarrassing and distressing things anyone can witness, is similarly the body crying for water. Dr. Batmanghelidj has demonstrated that asthma is due to the body’s natural histamines constricting the lungs to limit any further loss of water via the breath. The person so afflicted is desperately dehydrated. In the prison environment in Iran, adequate water provided a cure for asthma

Dr. Batmanghelidj views the way hypertension is classically treated as “scientific absurdity”. The dehydrated body is desperately trying to hang on to its water volume. Uncomprehending physicians intervene with diuretics and literally force more water out of an already dehydrated body. The author gives lucid, comprehensible descriptions of the exquisite hydraulic design and engineering of the human body, and the diverse functions of the cells, capillaries and membranes as they operate to compensate for dehydration.

If the body’s many cries for water are ignored, as they are in contemporary America, degenerative diseases are the inevitable consequence. A congress scrabbling to deal financially with an avalanche of degenerative disease, is verification enough that the time has come for a new medical paradigm.

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