Testimonial – Crohn’s Disease

Testimonial – Crohn’s Disease

Case No. 4, Mrs. A, aged 38 – this is a case that was published in Dr. Georgiou’s book entitled “Curing the Incurable with Holistic Medicine: The Da Vinci Secret Revealed.”

Main presenting problem:

Crohn’s Disease, pericarditis

Crohn’s disease, a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), is a condition in which the lining of the digestive tract becomes inflamed, causing severe diarrhoea and abdominal pain. The inflammation often spreads deep into the layers of affected tissue. Like ulcerative colitis, another common IBD, Crohn’s disease can be both painful and debilitating and sometimes may lead to life-threatening complications. While there’s no known medical cure for Crohn’s disease, therapies can greatly reduce the signs and symptoms of the disease and even bring about a long-term remission. Two-thirds of people with Crohn’s usually require surgical resection of a part of the intestine.

Medical diagnosis:

A biopsy from the colon in 2004 reported the following: “Histopathology examination done in July 2004 from the caecum, ascending, descending, transverse and sigmoid colon showed colon mucosa heavily infiltrated by lymphoplasmocytes and eosinophils, with features of cryptitis and isolated crypt destruction with intraluminal abscesses. There was also evidence of epitheliod granuloma formation. The appearances are those of crypts destructive colitis with features compatible with idiopathic (unknown cause) disease and history very much suggestive of Crohn’s Disease”.

Blood ESR was 17, indicating an active inflammation in the body.

In addition to the Crohn’s disease, the patient had a history of recurrent pericarditis (inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart) beginning in August 2004 which required pericardial effusions with methyprednisone therapy (tapering course of oral steroids) – this would appear approximately two times per year, every Christmas and Easter.

Holistic diagnosis:

The first time I examined Mrs. A, a petite, charming and pleasant lady, I thought she was at least 6 months pregnant; such was the distention in her gut. She said that most evenings she would be in this very uncomfortable and painful condition. She had all the classic symptoms of Crohn’s disease such as Diarrhoea, abdominal bloating, cramp-like abdominal pain, awaking in the night to defecate, occasional blood in the stool, vomiting, nausea and itchiness or pain around the anus.

During the initial consultation, it was agreed to dig deeper and discover the potential causative factors to these symptoms that had been labelled Crohn’s Disease. The label unfortunately had not helped cure the disease as the aetiological factors remained hidden. She was a little skeptical at first as many gastroenterologists in Cyprus and Germany had told her that her disease was incurable and that she would have to live with it all her life.

The IDEL Diagnostic Programme identified a number of causative factors that were not identified in the 7 years of medical tests that she had in her thick file.

VEGA testing identified food intolerances to all gluten grains such as wheat, oats, rye and barley (possible coeliac), lactose and all dairy products, nightshade family of vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and aubergines, all citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, mandarins and grapefruit, sugar and caffeine-related products – food intolerances are well known for causing the production of cytokinines and cox-2 inflammatory chemicals in the gut[1],[2] and there has been research on food intolerances and Crohn’s disease spanning more than 25 years (surprising that gastroenterologists in Cyprus do not read this literature).[3],[4],[5],[6]

Organ imbalances as tested using VEGA and ART included: uterus, thyroid, stomach, ascending, descending and transverse colon, ileum, adrenals, lymph nodes, myocardium, endocardium, pericardium, kidneys and pancreas. During ART testing the gluten was blocking autonomic nervous system regulation which was a critical factor. On further VEGA testing there were vitamin, mineral and trace element deficiencies detected, hormonal imbalances, tooth and scar foci, dysbiosis of the gut, systemic Candidiasis.

Mercury levels were high on the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, as well as arsenic and lead, which also confirmed low levels of minerals and trace elements. Vaccination stress, bacterial infection with Borrelia[7] and viral infection with Cytomegalovirus (CMV) were also detected on the VEGA.

Iris analysis showed chronic hypochlorhydria (low hydrochloric acid production), pancreatic enzyme deficiency, irritation marks on the thyroid, liver, kidneys and lungs, with cervical and lumbar spinal subluxations.

The Heart Rate Variability (HRV) test showed a sympathetic dominance with decreased parasympathetic activity with the level of functioning of the physiological systems being at 11 (1 is best and 13 is worst) and the adaptability scale – being able to adapt to changes in the environment being at 6 (1 is best and 7 is worst). This profile corresponded well with her poor physiological functioning and low adaptation reserves, not surprising given the number of causative factors she was carrying.

Thermography showed focal dental lesions, thyroid dysfunction, cervical joint disease, fibrocystic activity of the breasts, myofascial inflammation in the trapezius, rhomboids and paraspinous musculature, as well as the upper lumbar spine with some degree of scoliosis, concave towards the left. There was some hyperthermia in the colon and small intestine.

The Biological Terrain Analysis, taken from urine, saliva and blood is a measure of the pH, oxidation-reduction potential (amount of electron potential that exists in a tested solution) and resistivity (relative concentration of electrically conductive ions in solution) of all these body fluids. The results showed a lack of adequate and normal mineral concentration or malabsorption with indications of a leaky gut, an extremely increased saliva pH is an indication of increased sympathetic nervous system activity, liver and lymphatic congestion and poor pancreatic enzyme efficiency. The urine pH was low (acidic) and the blood pH was high (alkaline) – this usually indicates that the kidney is not removing acids efficiently and the blood makes a compensatory shift to a more alkaline state. Viral loads and heavy metal toxicity were other factors present.

Live Blood Analysis showed a very congestive picture throughout with high valence rouleau (very sticky red blood cells), poikilocytosis (iron deficiency anaemia), many microcytes (impaired haemoglobin synthesis – haemoglobin levels were low on medical blood tests), high valance spicules or fibrinogen (related to liver toxicity), sluggish white blood cells with many lyzing prematurely, and undigested fat. Generally the blood picture was one of imbalanced pH, toxicity, iron, folic acid and B12 deficiencies, and possible free radical damage.

Psychosomatically, there were a number of unresolved psychoemotional issues relating to family matters that had systemic entanglement issues attached to them. There was also an element of fear with her Crohn’s, whether she would ever be able to function normally again, as well as an underlying depression that the disease had caused the last few years.

Holistic treatments:

Mrs. A’s holistic treatments began by simply avoiding the foods that were causing the inflammation in the gut; these food intolerances were later treated using bioresonance therapy. Supplemental Betaine HCl, Pepsin and pancreatic enzymes were utilized to improve her digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients.

Amazingly, within the first five days her symptoms overall had improved by 60% (her estimation), while specifically constipation and bloating declined by 80%. She also underwent a course of PAPIMI and hyperthermia treatments of the gut region which also helped considerably with the inflammation.

Her systemic Candidiasis was then treated using the Da Vinci Candida Protocol (see chapter 5). She also received a series of digital homeopathic treatments for her vaccination stress, CMV and Borrelia, as well as dietary supplements including a high potency multivitamin and multimineral, omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids for the inflammation, acidophilus and bifidobacteria species to repopulate the bowel flora, A-Lipoic acid, a water and fat soluble antioxidant capable of penetrating deep into the tissue, vitamin B12, Aloe vera for healing the mucous membranes of the gut, chlorella, HMD® and Organic Lavage to remove the toxic metals (see chapter 7). Additional selenium was given based on indications from her hair tests. Coenzyme Q10 was given for the intermittent pericarditis and to increase ATP production in cells, as well as vitamin E for her fibrocystic breast disease and heart.

In addition to these treatments, Mrs. A also began prioritizing life’s issues and clearing out old, unwanted patterns of behaviour that were burdening her psyche. There were many systemic entanglements that surfaced during these Soul Healing constellations and there was a dramatic improvement in her symptoms within days of this workshop. Bach Flower remedies also helped with her high anxiety levels and depressed state and generally helped to balance her psychoemotional state.

Patient’s own account:

I have always remembered myself since adolescence with stomach pains, feeling of fullness, with periods of either constipation or diarrhea. Everybody knew that I was always the sensitive, stressed girl and as a consequence of this, my stomach was always hurting me. I used to take anxiolytics from time to time. My symptoms were mild until the age of 31, around the time when I got pregnant.

I had an unforgettably difficult pregnancy 7 years ago. I remember that from the beginning until the end of my pregnancy, I constantly felt nausea and I was vomiting almost every day. I felt a bloating sensation, discomfort and had diarrhea every day. I was living a nightmare – I could not go out with my husband or socialize, because of my multiple diarrheas.

After giving birth to a beautiful boy, my situation got worse; my nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and the diarrhea got worse. Even though I was very happy to be a mother, at the same time I felt so sick that I could not offer much – this made me feel depressed and helpless.

I went back to work after my pregnancy and I was literally struggling to find the energy to get through the day. I couldn’t feel my knees, I suffered from dyspnoea, I felt weak and almost fainted many times, but I tried to hide my pain by not complaining to anyone. I started having headaches, I was lethargic and my abdominal pains got worse. Every time I went to the toilet I was in so much pain that I was sweating and having chills. I felt like I was giving birth every day.

I finally visited a doctor and I had a gastrointestinal endoscopy and colonoscopy. I was diagnosed with Crohn‘s disease, a chronic inflammatory gastrointestinal disease that can affect any part of the gut. I was also diagnosed with Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach, that could cause peptic ulcer and I took medicine for that.

In the meantime, before I found out about the Da Vinci Holistic Health Centre, my doctor told me that treatment was palliative, which actually meant ‘incurable’ and this made me feel very depressed so I began a course of antidepressant pills for this reason. After trying a variety of drugs that were supposed to help Crohn’s, I decided to visit a clinic in Germany that confirmed the diagnosis of Crohn’s disease; even worse it reaffirmed that there was no cure.

As my illness progressed, I also developed a heart problem, pericarditis, which appeared about 4 years ago. Doctors drained the fluid from the pericardium the first time, but this occurred again three more times – every time I was given large doses of cortisone to help the problem.

Looking back in retrospect, with what I know now, my diet was atrocious – I hardly ate any fruits and vegetables which was reinforced by my gastroenterologists. I then decided to visit a nutritionist and I felt quite relieved with the specific diet she gave me. Still my symptoms were persistent and I was still feeling depressed.

Fortunately, one day while my mother was watching a programme on television, she heard Dr. Georgiou talking about various health issues. I decided to call him and ask his opinion – to my surprise he said that he had quite a few cases of Crohn’s and did not see it as a major problem, assuming we could identify the causes. The initial appointment lasted a total of 5 hours and there were many tests conducted.

In early July 2008 I began a bespoke treatment programme based upon the diagnostic information that was gathered by Dr. Georgiou. Honestly, I have to admit that my life changed completely. I feel like I was born again! Since the treatment, my symptoms have pretty much vanished and I now live a normal life. No more diarrhoeas, no abdominal pain and I often feel positive and happy, with a desire to devour life. On a psychological and emotional level I am a different person with so much more confidence and I am no longer the “yes lady” that I used to be – no doubt some people around me are unhappy because of this. I can also enjoy being a mother without worrying that I cannot hold my baby in my arms because of my abdominal pains.

I truly thank Dr. Georgiou for his wisdom, patience, caring attitude (I used to call him numerous times with various questions) and his healthy respect towards myself, his work, his belief in holistic medicine and more.

Dr. Georgiou’s final comments on Mrs. A’s case

There were many factors that were important triggers in the development of the bowel inflammation, labeled Crohn’s disease. Systemic Candidiasis[8] is an important issue as this fungus that infiltrates the gut can cause considerable inflammation. Ironically, the inflammation caused by Candida, is then treated by gastroenterologists with the powerful anti-inflammatory cortisone. The resulting introduction of corticosteroid to the gut results in a dramatic increase in the Candida colonies. While the corticosteroid then masks the increasing inflammation, it continues to assist in the colony growth, making the symptomatic disease become both chronic and incurable – a true vicious cycle. Numerous research sources report a direct fact: In every case of corticosteroid use, the patient has demonstrated a severe increase in Candida pathogenic colonization. In short, the use of cortisone for more than a few weeks, results in Candida overgrowth and pathology, with an exacerbation of the inflammation.

The food intolerances were another major issue as these specific foods that the person is intolerant too, such as the gluten grains that she was eating daily, will cause severe inflammation by provoking inflammatory cytokinines and Cox-2 chemicals. Identifying and eliminating these food intolerances is crucial to the removal of these inflammatory markers, not simply pulling out a ready-made diet sheet that is standard to all patients, as every patient will inevitably have different food intolerances. Interestingly, this patient was told to eat white bread, but not brown as well as to avoid life-giving fruits and vegetables as the fibre content will apparently be abrasive to the gut, something that has never been proven scientifically.

Digestive issues such as hypochlorhydria and pancreatic enzyme deficiency will increase the putrefactive and fermentative processes in the gut, releasing more inflammatory chemicals, therefore increasing the symptoms. Addressing the digestive issues is crucial to the success of the therapy. Concomitantly, it is also very important to replace the minerals and vitamins that are deficient to provide the raw materials required by the body to produce these acids and enzymes for digestion, while helping to repair and rebuild the body – this is the essence of orthomolecular nutrition.

It is clear from Mrs. A’s case that there are a myriad of causative factors that are responsible for Crohn’s disease – in A’s case she had more than 20 causative factors that were incorporated into her bespoke treatment programme and gradually offloaded. Once these issues were addressed, then slowly over time – within 6 months of treatment – she had regained her health with no symptoms of Crohn’s noticeable any more.

The Hellinger Soul Healing has also helped to eliminate the yearly pericarditis that she used to be hospitalized for twice a year, every new year’s eve and during the summer holidays. This was clearly a psychosomatic and deeper Soul connection that has now been broken forever – her soul and heart and gut are now at peace and fully functional to the point where she is eating ice-cream, crepes and bread with no symptoms! It is truly heartening to see an “incurable” case such as Crohn’s Disease now completely cured and their quality of life significantly increased.


[1] Brostoff, J., and Gamlin, L. The Complete Guide to Food Allergy and Intolerance, 3rd Ed, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1998.

[2] Pearson, M., Teahon, K., Levi, AJ and Bjarnason, I. Food intolerance and Crohn’s disease. Gut. 34(6): 783–787, June 1993.

[3] Workman EM, Alun-Jones V, Wilson AJ, Hunter JO. Diet in the management of Crohn’s disease. Human Nutrition Applied Nutrition 38: 469-73, 1984.

[4] Alun-Jones V, Workman E, Freeman AH, Dickinson RJ, Wilson AJ, Hunter JO. Crohn’s disease: maintenance of remission by diet. Lancet i: 177-80, 1985.

[5] Giaffer MH, Cann P, Holdsworth CD. Long-term effects of elemental and exclusion diets for Crohn’s disease. Aliment Pharmacology and Therapeuties 5: 115-25, 1991.

[6] Riordan AM, Hunter JO. Multicentre controlled trial of diet in the treatment of active Crohn’s disease. Gastroenterology 102: A612, 1992.

[7] This bacterium causes the well known Lyme’s Disease.

[8] Standaert-Vitse, A. et al. Candida albicans colonization and ASCA in familial Crohn’s disease. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 2009.

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