Crohn’s Disease: Natural Healing Forever, Without MedicationAvailable as Paperback, E-Pub and PDF versions!
Crohn’s Disease is often seen as an incurable disease by many doctors, but this book describes how to cure this disease forever using natural treatments formulated by Dr Georgiou at the Da Vinci Holistic Health Center in Cyprus. The book is very well researched and clearly explains the underlying causes of Crohn’s Disease that need to be eliminated in order to achieve a total cure and stopping all medications that are simply repressing symptoms. There are many underlying symptoms discussed such as food intolerances, dysbiosis, SIBO, Candida, parasites, lack of pancreatic enzymes, hypochlorhydria and more.
Read Crohn’s Disease: Natural Healing Forever , Without Medication and discover…
- • How hundreds of people just like you have cured their Crohn’s Disease naturally using the information in this book.
- • How this ground-breaking research conducted by Dr.Georgiou has led to the revolutionary natural treatment for Crohn’s Disease, without medication
- • How systemic inflammation is causing your Crohn’s Disease and the exact steps you need to take to eliminate it for good.
- • How underlying health problems like Candida, Leaky Gut, and SIBO can be causative factors and what to do about these
- • How emotional, psychological and Spiritual reasons can be another cause of your Crohn’s Disease and how to effectively manage these.
- • How toxins in your food and environment are contributing to your Crohn’s Disease and how best to detox from these.
- • How your highly-processed Western diet is causing chronic gut issues and inflammation, and destroying your health.
- • How hidden food intolerances can be another factor of chronic gut inflammation
- • How the unique 15-day Alkaline Detoxification Diet Plan will transform your gut back to health
- • Unique protocols developed by Dr Georgiou that will lead you back to vibrant health and well being
An extensive guide to supplements and holistic remedies that will transform your life.…and much, much more!
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 The Da Vinci Crohn’s Treatment Protocol
Chapter 2 The Holistic Model of Health
Chapter 3 Toxicity: Underlying Cause of All Diseases
Chapter 4 Food Intolerances, Inflammation and Disease
Chapter 5 Candida: A Universal Cause of Many Diseases
Chapter 6 Detoxification: The Health Secret of all Time
Chapter 7 Curing with Energetic Medicine and Bioresonance
Chapter 8 Emotional, Psychological & Spiritual Roots of Disease
“This excellent book identifies the causes behind Crohn’s Disease and provides natural treatments to help cure it once and for all – many successful cases”
“If you want to cure your Crohn’s Disease naturally and come off medications, then this is the book for you”
“This is a well-referenced and scientifically researched book that details the causes of Crohn’s Disease and the natural treatment protocols used by Dr Georgiou to cure many such cases successfully”
Crohn’s Disease: Natural Healing Forever : COVER PREVIEW