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  • O Dr. George J. Georgiou, Ph.D., D.Sc. (AM), N.D., é biólogo, iridólogo, naturopata, Fitoterapeuta, homeopata, nutricionista, especialista em bioressonância, acupunturista, psicólogo e sexólogo. Ele tem sido terapeuta a maior parte da sua vida e é o Diretor Fundador do Da Vinci Holistic Health Center em Larnaca, no Chipre (www.naturaltherapycenter.com), que é especializado no tratamento natural de doenças crônicas, intoxicação com metais pesados e Candidíase, além de muitos outros problemas de saúde. Ele também é o Fundador Diretor do Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine (www.collegenaturalmedicine.com) bem como do Da Vinci BioSciences Research Center. Ele é autor de 23 livros, terapeuta e pesquisador.

    Leia a Cura da Candida e descubra…

    ü Como Candida é a crise de saúde mundial sobre a qual os médicos não estão falando.

    ü Como o seu ambiente tóxico está destruindo a sua saúde e causando Candida.

    ü Como os seus medicamentos alopáticos podem, na verdade, estar destruindo a sua saúde.

    ü Como a sua “Doença Crônica” pode, na verdade, ser um crescimento excessivo de Candida, e como tratá-la.

    ü Por que a maioria dos tratamentos para Candida falham e por que esse funciona.

    ü Como mais de 5.000 pessoas foram curadas de sua Candida, naturalmente, usando este protocolo.

    ü A pesquisa inovadora realizada pelo mundialmente renomado Dr. Georgiou que levou a esse livro sobre a Cura da Candida.

    ü Como obter acesso exclusivo ao guia passo a passo sobre como curar sua própria Candida e recuperar uma saúde excelente, que ajudou milhares de pessoas em todo o mundo.

    …e muito, muito mais!



  • Acid Reflux: Natural Healing for GERD in 90 Days (E-book) Available as Paperback, E-Pub and PDF versions! – 356 pages

    Acid Reflux is a common health problem that is often treated with medication that suppresses symptoms but does not eliminate the causes. This book examines the underlying causes of GERD and describes natural treatment protocols to help cure acid reflux permanently without medications.

    Read Acid Reflux: Natural Healing for GERD in 90 Days and discover…

    • How hundreds of people just like you have been cured of GERD naturally
    • How the advice you’ve received from doctors about your GERD is totally wrong!
    • How your GERD medications are contributing to your symptoms
    • Natural alternatives that work!
    • How chronic inflammation could be causing your GERD
    • How underlying health problems like Candida and SIBO could also be underlying causes
    • How toxins in your food and environment are contributing to your GERD and steps on how to avoid them
    • How to get access to the complete detoxification process that will eliminate your GERD naturally
    • How the unique 15-day Alkaline Detoxification Diet Plan that will transform your health
    • The secrets to vibrant health and well-being with exclusive access to the unique protocols developed at the Da Vinci Health Centre after ground-breaking research….

    and much, much more!

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 The Da Vinci Acid Reflux Treatment Protocol
    Chapter 2 The Holistic Model of Health
    Chapter 3 Toxicity: Underlying Cause of All Diseases
    Chapter 4 Detoxification: The Health Secret of all Time
    Chapter 5 Food Intolerances, Inflammation and Disease
    Chapter 6 Candida: A Universal Cause of Many Diseases
    Chapter 7 Curing with Energetic Medicine and Bioresonance
    Chapter 8 Emotional, Psychological & Spiritual Roots of Disease

    “This excellent book identifies the causes behind Acid Reflux and provides natural treatments to help cure it once and for all”

    “If you want to cure your GERD or Acid Reflux naturally and come off medications, then this is the book for you”

    “This is a well-referenced and scientifically researched book that details the causes of Acid Reflux or GERD and Dr Georgiou gives natural treatment protocols for a total cure”

    Read more: heavy metal detox

    ACID REFLUX: Cover Preview

  • Candida Cure: Healing Naturally in 90 Days – 5,000 Successful Cases!  

    Available as Paperback, E-pub and PDF versions! 

    People that suffer from Candida know how hard it is to find a proper diagnosis, mainly because medical doctors do not fully understand the symptoms and health issues that Candida can actually cause – anything from skin problems, vaginal infections, gut issues, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, immune weakness, infertility, migraines, allergies, bladder infections, hypothyroidism and more. Candida secretes 79 mycotoxins that cause these symptoms and more. Now there is hope as Dr Georgiou has treated over 5,000 patients with Systemic Candida successfully in only 90 days. This is a natural treatment protocol that if followed correctly will have you Candida free forever.

    Millions of people all over the world are infected with systemic Candida – it is estimated that 1 in 3 people in the Western world are affected. Candida can cause more than 100 different symptoms and is often difficult to diagnose and treat by the medical profession. After many years of research, and treating over 5,000 successful cases, Dr Georgiou presents his Candida Cure which only takes 90 days for a complete cure. Candida produces 79 mycotoxins which can cause a myriad of symptoms as well as placing a large load on the immune system, leading to many other chronic illnesses.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 – Curing my own Candida, Seeking help from natural medicine, Regaining my health, My diverse and evolving clinical practice.

    Chapter 2 – What is Candida, How do you get it, What is the role of Candida, How does Candida behave, When does Candida become a problem, How does Candida attack the body, Anyone can be affected with Candida, Fungus with many faces, Biofilms, Symptoms related to Candida, What are the signs of Candida infection, How is Candida diagnosed, Laboratory tests, Antibiotic abuse and inappropriate prescribing, Why is it a serious problem.

    Chapter 3 – The Relationship Between Candida and Chronic Diseases, Effects on immunity, Other factors creating pathogenesis, The scientific research on Candida, Microbial balance protects your health.

    Chapter 4 – Preparing for the Da Vinci Candida Treatment Protocol, Tissue hair mineral analysis, Preparing by detoxifying.

    Chapter 5 – The Da Vinci Centre Detoxification Diet, Parasites, heavy metals and other toxins, The herbal parasite cleanse, Bioresonance devices, The secrets to success, Detoxification symptoms, Phases of detoxification, Supplements that help the detoxification pathways, Stay with the detoxification process, The good news, Before starting the detox programme, Preparing for the detox, Major detoxification centres of the body, Food enzymes and detoxification, The theory of autointoxication, Constipation, Nature needs some help and urgently, Treating constipation, Clearing toxic metals, Further research.

    Chapter 6 – The Da Vinci Candida Protocol, First phase – starving the Candida, Second phase – killing the Candida, Third phase – repopulating the friendly bacteria, Phase 4 – using Sanum remedies to normalise pathogenic Candida, Phase 5 – balancing body chemistry, Herxheimer reactions, The blocking factors of recovery – reasons for failing, Natural antibiotic during the Candida protocol.

    Chapter 7 – My own Case Studies from Patients Cured

    “This is the most scientific and logical explanation of Candida that I have ever read. If you wish to treat your Candida, this is the way to go”

    “As a practitioner, I have read a lot about Candida, but this book surpasses them all in the knowledge and treatment protocols that have seen success thousands of times”

    “Candida is a big topic amongst medical and alternative practitioners with many misconceptions. Dr Georgiou’s books addresses both sides of the fence and demythologizes this important topic, providing the reader with hands-on treatment protocols to follow”

    Candida Cure: Healing Naturally in 90 Days – COVER PREVIEW


  • Celiac Disease: Natural Approaches for Optimal Living

    Available in Paperback, E-pub and PDF versions!

    This book is designed to help Celiac’s live an optimal life that is symptom-free. Many celiacs have many gut issues, even though they avoid gluten. This book will help you understand where these symptoms may be coming from, such as Candida, Dysbiosis, SIBO, Food Intolerances, Nutritional Deficiencies, Toxins and many more. There is also guidance on Epigenetics and what life-style you need to lead in order to switch-off genes, or change their expression. Step-by-step instructions on how to make the necessary life-style changes to lead an optimal life.

    Read Celiac Disease: Natural Approaches for Optimal Living and discover …

    • • How thousands of people just like you have managed to live symptom-free with their Celiac Disease.
    • • How systemic inflammation can aggravate Celiac how to significantly reduce it with a few simple steps with the anti-inflammatory diet
    • • How health problems like Candida, Dysbiosis, Leaky Gut, SIBO, and Food Intolerances could greatly exacerbate your Celiac.
    • • How your being proactive and making lifestyle changes can change the expression of genes (epigenetics), switching them off towards health, not disease.
    • • How toxins in your food and environment are contributing to your gut symptoms and what natural protocols can help – toxic metals, gluten, stress, diet and lifestyle
    • • How to detoxify on many levels to radically reduce your gut symptoms naturally.
    • • The unique 15-day Alkaline Detoxification Diet Plan that will transform your health.
    • • The secrets to vibrant health and wellbeing with exclusive access to the unique protocols developed at the Da Vinci Health Centre.
    • • The extensive guide to supplements and holistic remedies that will transform your life.

    …and much, much more!

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 – Da Vinci Celiac Disease Protocol

    Chapter 2 -The Holistic Model of Health

    Chapter 3 – Toxicity: Underlying causes of all diseases

    Chapter 4 – Detoxification: The Health Secrets of all Time

    Chapter 5 – Food Intolerances, Inflammation and Disease

    Chapter 6 – Candida: The Universal Cause of Many Diseases

    Chapter 7 – Curing with Energy Medicine and Bioresonance

    Chapter 8 – Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual Roots of Diseases

    “Learn what life-style changes you need to make to “tame” your genes and lead a healthy, symptom-free life”

    “Keeping away from gluten is one thing, but Celiacs often suffer from many other gut-related symptoms that have other causes not related to their Celiac Disease – learn what these are and fix them”

    “There is a lot of information in this book that can help Celiac’s really turn their health around and live a symptom-free lifestyles with a smile on their gut”

    Celiac Disease: Natural Approaches: COVER PREVIEW

  • Cholesterol Cure: Healing Naturally Without Medication 

    This book is available as Paperback, E-pub and PDF versions! – 360 pages

    This book debunks the myths around cholesterol and health in a very simple and easy-to-read way. Discover how many theories about cholesterol are wrong and the reasons why, along with how the natural, Da Vinci Cholesterol Treatment Protocol devised by Dr Georgiou, can help you to become medication-free forever. Find out how chronic inflammation, food intolerances, toxicity, stress and other factors can cause your cholesterol to rise and the detoxification protocols that you can follow, along with natural supplements to bring your health back to normal without medications.

    Read Cholesterol Cure: Healing Naturally, Without Medication and discover…

    • • How thousands of people just like you have stabilised their Cholesterol levels naturally using the information in this book.
    • • Read the ground-breaking research conducted by the world-renowned Dr. Georgiou that led to the revolutionary Da Vinci Cholesterol Treatment Protocol.
    • • Discover how everything you know about cholesterol is wrong and why your Doctors want to keep you in the dark!
    • • Learn how systemic inflammation is causing your cholesterol and the exact steps you need to take to eliminate it for good.
    • • Find out how your cholesterol medications are destroying your health.
    • • Discover how toxins in your food and environment are contributing to your high cholesterol and steps on how to avoid them.
    • • Get access to the complete detoxification process that will reduce your cholesterol naturally.
    • • Get the unique 15-day Alkaline Detoxification Diet Plan that will transform your health.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 – The Da Vinci Haemorrhoids Treatment Protocol: Be Haemorrhoid Free Forever!

    Chapter 2 – The Holistic Model of Health

    Chapter 3 – Toxicity: Underlying causes of all diseases

    Chapter 4 – Detoxification: The Health Secrets of all Time

    Chapter 5 – Food Intolerances, Inflammation and Disease

    Chapter 6 – Candida: The Universal Cause of Many Diseases

    Chapter 7 – Curing with Energy Medicine and Bioresonance

    Chapter 8 – Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual Roots of Diseases

    “It is amazing how many misconceptions and myths there are around cholesterol – this book makes a lot of sense and will help you to do the right thing, using natural treatments based on science so that you can be medication-free forever”

    “This book clearly explains how and why you have high cholesterol and takes you step-by-step through natural healing protocols so that you can bring down your cholesterol and get rid of your medications forever”

    “There are many reasons for why you have cholesterol which are rarely discussed with medical doctors – this book explains with scientific understanding what these reasons are, what you can do about it using natural treatments to get rid of your cholesterol forever”

    Cholesterol Cure: COVER PREVIEW

  • Crohn’s Disease: Natural Healing Forever, Without MedicationAvailable as Paperback, E-Pub and PDF versions!

    Crohn’s Disease is often seen as an incurable disease by many doctors, but this book describes how to cure this disease forever using natural treatments formulated by Dr Georgiou at the Da Vinci Holistic Health Center in Cyprus. The book is very well researched and clearly explains the underlying causes of Crohn’s Disease that need to be eliminated in order to achieve a total cure and stopping all medications that are simply repressing symptoms. There are many underlying symptoms discussed such as food intolerances, dysbiosis, SIBO, Candida, parasites, lack of pancreatic enzymes, hypochlorhydria and more.

    Read Crohn’s Disease: Natural Healing Forever , Without Medication and discover…

    • • How hundreds of people just like you have cured their Crohn’s Disease naturally using the information in this book.
    • • How this ground-breaking research conducted by Dr.Georgiou has led to the revolutionary natural treatment for Crohn’s Disease, without medication
    • • How systemic inflammation is causing your Crohn’s Disease and the exact steps you need to take to eliminate it for good.
    • • How underlying health problems like Candida, Leaky Gut, and SIBO can be causative factors and what to do about these
    • • How emotional, psychological and Spiritual reasons can be another cause of your Crohn’s Disease and how to effectively manage these.
    • • How toxins in your food and environment are contributing to your Crohn’s Disease and how best to detox from these.
    • • How your highly-processed Western diet is causing chronic gut issues and inflammation, and destroying your health.
    • • How hidden food intolerances can be another factor of chronic gut inflammation
    • • How the unique 15-day Alkaline Detoxification Diet Plan will transform your gut back to health
    • • Unique protocols developed by Dr Georgiou that will lead you back to vibrant health and well being

    An extensive guide to supplements and holistic remedies that will transform your life.…and much, much more!

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1        The Da Vinci Crohn’s Treatment Protocol

    Chapter 2        The Holistic Model of Health

    Chapter 3        Toxicity: Underlying Cause of All Diseases

    Chapter 4        Food Intolerances, Inflammation and Disease

    Chapter 5        Candida: A Universal Cause of Many Diseases

    Chapter 6        Detoxification: The Health Secret of all Time

    Chapter 7        Curing with Energetic Medicine and Bioresonance

    Chapter 8      Emotional, Psychological & Spiritual Roots of Disease

    “This excellent book identifies the causes behind Crohn’s Disease and provides natural treatments to help cure it once and for all – many successful cases”

    “If you want to cure your Crohn’s Disease naturally and come off medications, then this is the book for you”

    “This is a well-referenced and scientifically researched book that details the causes of Crohn’s Disease and the natural treatment protocols used by Dr Georgiou to cure many such cases successfully”

    Crohn’s Disease: Natural Healing Forever : COVER PREVIEW

  • Curing the Incurable with Holistic Medicine: The Da Vinci Secrets Revealed!

    Available as Paperback, E-pub and PDF versions – 610 pages

    In a world where most symptoms are suppressed using drugs, it is no surprise that most chronic, degenerative diseases are considered as “incurable.” This book, written by Dr. George J Georgiou, Ph.D.,N.D.,DSc (AM) will help you to identify the main causes of your “incurable” disease, understand its pathogenesis (where it began and how it evolved) and what you must do to begin reversing these causative factors. This is the approach of Holistic Medicine – working on all levels of the body, physical, environmental, nutritional, energetic, psychological, emotional, as well as spiritual to allow the body in its innate wisdom to cure itself. The book contains over 750 scientific references to put Holistic Medicine into the “Evidence-based” scientific category, along with fifteen case histories of real people that have been diagnosed with “incurable” disease.

    Curing the Incurable with Holistic Medicine : COVER PREVIEW

  • Diabetes: Natural Treatments That Really Work! 

    Available as Paperback, E-pub and PDF versions! 

    Diabetes is a serious disease that normally requires taking medications for life. This book will allow you to use a powerful and scientifically proven natural treatment protocol to completely cure your diabetes. Learn what you need to do to be diabetes free forever. Also learn why you have diabetes and what you need to do to reverse it now.

    Read: Diabetes: Natural Treatments That Really Work!and discover how:

    • How hundreds of people like you have cured their diabetes naturally and stopped their medication
    • The latest, ground-breaking research in natural cures for diabetes
    • How FAT metabolism is the main problem in diabetes, not carbohydrate metabolism
    • How “bad” fats have caused your diabetes and what you can do to clear them
    • The other causes of your diabetes and what you can do about them
    • The complete detoxification process that can eliminate your diabetes forever
    • What supplements will help to re-activate your pancreas and eliminate your diabetes
    • Lifestyle changes that will keep you diabetes-free forever
    • Many different ways of optimizing your health and that of your loved ones
    • How emotional and Spiritual factors can influence your diabetes

    …….. and much, much more!

    “An excellent book that is well-researched and written for both the intelligent layperson, as well as for health practitioners. The book is full of fascinating facts about the underlying causes of diabetes and what the patient can do to reverse this permanently.”

    “If you want to reverse your diabetes, then this is the book for you! Overflowing with scientific research regarding causes, mechanisms and natural cures for diabetes.”

    “According to the medical profession, diabetes is irreversible and medication needs to be taken for life. This book de-mythologises this preconception and clearly lays out in a step-by-step fashion how diabetes is indeed reversible and does not need medication for life.”

    Diabetes: Natural Treatments That Really Work! : COVER PREVIEW

  • Diverticulosis: Natural Drugless Treatments That Work! 

    Available as Paperback, E-pub and PDF versions!

    Many people are told by their doctors that they must “live” with their Diverticulosis without guidance on how to cure it. Dr Georgiou has personally treated hundreds of cases of Diverticulosis successfully using the Da Vinci Natural Diverticulosis Protocol devised by himself. The underlying causative factors such as food intolerances, chronic inflammation, dysbiosis, SIBO, leaky-gut, digestive issues, Candida, parasites and more can be maintaining your Diverticulosis and this book explains in a simple-to-follow way how to eliminate these causes.


    • How the Da Vinci Diverticulosis Natural Treatment protocol has helped many people heal themselves permanently
    • Discover how your highly-processed Western diet is causing chronic constipation and destroying your health
    • How toxins and heavy metals can accumulate in the body and inflame the gut
    • How to access the complete Da Vinci detoxification process that will radically reduce your Diverticulosis naturally
    • How food intolerances can be a major underlying cause for Diverticulosis and how to deal with them
    • How Candida, SIBO, dysbiosis, parasites, lectins and leaky gut can also lead to diverticulosis
    • How nutrient deficiencies, impaired digestion ad constipation can lead to diverticulosis
    • How Psychological and Emotional factors can be an important factor in diverticulosis
    • How to use natural methods including supplements, homeopathics, herbal remedies and bioresonance devices to heal your diverticulosis
    • Discover the secrets to vibrant health and well-being with exclusive access to the unique protocols developed at the Da Vinci Health Centre

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 – Da Vinci Natural Diverticulosis Protocol

    Chapter 2 – The Holistic Model of Health

    Chapter 3 – Toxicity: Underlying causes of all diseases

    Chapter 4 – Detoxification: The Health Secrets of all Time

    Chapter 5 – Food Intolerances, Inflammation and Disease

    Chapter 6 – Candida: The Universal Cause of Many Diseases

    Chapter 7 – Curing with Energy Medicine and Bioresonance

    Chapter 8 – Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual Roots of Diseases

    “Using this Natural Protocol, without medications, your Diverticulosis can now be permanently cured once and for all”

    “This book clearly explains all the causes of Diverticulosis that your doctor is not telling you about – it also explains in simple terms how to treat using Natural means to achieve a permanent cure”

    “Diverticulosis can now be a thing of the past if you follow the Da Vinci Natural Diverticulosis Treatment Protocol devised by Dr Georgiou – this book has amazing scientific research that will help you to achieve optimal health”

    Diverticulosis: Natural Drugless Treatments : COVER PREVIEW

  • Eczema: Natural Healing, Without Medication 

    Available in Paperback, E-pub and PDF versions! 

    The medical consensus with Eczema is that there is no known cause, but this book corrects this misconception and discusses many of the underlying causes.

    Eczema is often a difficult problem as it can present at any age causing a variety of emotional problems too – the general medical consensus is that there is no known cause. However, this books clearly explains the many underlying causes of eczema such as food intolerances, dysbiosis, leaky gut, nutritional deficiencies, systemic inflammation, toxicity, Candida and more. There is a full description in easy-to-follow steps on how to deal with all these causative factors using a drugless, natural approach.

    Read: Eczema: Natural Healing, Without Medication and discover………

    How thousands of people just like you have cured their Eczema naturally using the information in this book.
    How systemic inflammation is causing your Eczema and how to significantly reduce it with a few simple steps with the anti-inflammatory diet
    How health problems like Candida, Leaky Gut, SIBO, and Food Intolerances could be an underlying cause of your Eczema.
    How your prescription medications could be contributing to your symptoms of Eczema.
    How toxins in your food and environment are contributing to your Eczema and natural protocols on how to avoid them – toxic metals, gluten, stress, diet and lifestyle
    How to detoxify on many levels to radically reduce your Eczema naturally.
    The unique 15-day Alkaline Detoxification Diet Plan that will transform your health.
    The secrets to vibrant health and well-being with exclusive access to the unique protocols developed at the Da Vinci Health Centre.
    The extensive guide to supplements and holistic remedies that will transform your life.

    …and much, much more!

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 – Da Vinci Natural Eczema Treatment Protocol

    Chapter 2 -The Holistic Model of Health

    Chapter 3 – Toxicity: Underlying causes of all diseases

    Chapter 4 – Detoxification: The Health Secrets of all Time

    Chapter 5 – Food Intolerances, Inflammation and Disease

    Chapter 6 – Candida: The Universal Cause of Many Diseases

    Chapter 7 – Curing with Energy Medicine and Bioresonance

    Chapter 8 – Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual Roots of Diseases

    “Using this Natural Drugless Protocol, your Eczema can now be permanently cured once and for all”

    “This book clearly explains all the causes of Eczema that your doctor is not telling you about – it also explains in simple terms how to treat using Natural means to achieve a permanent cure”

    “Eczema can now be a thing of the past if you follow the Da Vinci Natural Eczema Treatment Protocol devised by Dr Georgiou – this book has amazing scientific research that will help you to achieve optimal health”

    Eczema: Natural Healing: COVER PREVIEW

  • Fibromyalgia: The Natural Approach to Pain Free Living

    Available as Paperback, E-Pub and PDF versions!

    Many people are told by their doctors that they must “live” with their Fibromyalgia without guidance on how to cure it. Dr Georgiou has personally treated hundreds of cases of Fibromyalgia successfully using the Da Vinci Natural Fibromyalgia Protocol devised by himself. The underlying causative factors such as food intolerances, chronic inflammation, dysbiosis, SIBO, leaky-gut, digestive issues, Candida, parasites, heavy metals, food additives, medications, thyroid and adrenal imbalances and more can be maintaining your Diverticulosis and this book explains in a simple-to-follow way how to eliminate these causes.


    • • How the Da Vinci Fibromyalgia Natural Treatment protocol has helped many people heal themselves permanently
    • • How Food Intolerances can be a major underlying cause for Fibromyalgia and how to deal with them
    • • How Candida, SIBO, dysbiosis, parasites, bacteria, fungi, viruses, lectins and leaky gut can also lead to Fibromyalgia
    • • How toxins, heavy metals, food additives, GMO’s, vaccine adjuvants and medications can accumulate in the body causing systemic inflammation and Fibromyalgia
    • • How thyroid and adrenal imbalances can lead to Fibromyalgia
    • • How nutrient deficiencies, impaired digestion, dehydration and constipation can lead to Fibromyalgia
    • • How to access the complete Da Vinci Detoxification Protocols that will radically reduce your Fibromyalgia naturally
    • • How to use natural methods including supplements, homeopathics, herbal remedies and bioresonance devices to heal your Fibromyalgia
    • • How Psychological and Emotional factors can be an important factor in Fibromyalgia

    And much, much more…

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 – Da Vinci Natural Fibromyalgia Treatment Protocol

    Chapter 2 – The Holistic Model of Health

    Chapter 3 – Toxicity: Underlying causes of all diseases

    Chapter 4 – Detoxification: The Health Secrets of all Time

    Chapter 5 – Food Intolerances, Inflammation and Disease

    Chapter 6 – Candida: The Universal Cause of Many Diseases

    Chapter 7 – Curing with Energy Medicine and Bioresonance

    Chapter 8 – Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual Roots of Diseases

    “Using this Natural Drugless Protocol, your Fibromyalgia can now be permanently cured once and for all”

    “This book clearly explains all the causes of Fibromyalgia that your doctor is not telling you about – it also explains in simple terms how to treat using Natural means to achieve a permanent cure”

    “Fibromyalgia can now be a thing of the past if you follow the Da Vinci Natural Fibromyalgia Treatment Protocol devised by Dr Georgiou – this book has amazing scientific research that will help you to achieve optimal health”

    Fibromyalgia: The natural approach : COVER PREVIEW

  • Gallstones: Ridding Stones Naturally in 24 Hours! 

    Available as Paperback, E-pub and PDF versions!

    Many people suffer from gallstones and undergo unnecessary surgery. Reading this book will help you to understand natural ways of ridding your gallstones without necessarily resorting to surgery. This book takes you step-by-step through a natural method of flushing your gallstones without pain in just 24 hours.

    Learn what gallstones are made of, how toxins can affect them, how to detoxify the body in preparation for the gallstone flush, what supplements to use and how thousands of people have been cured of gallstones naturally without surgery. Dr Georgiou has personally supervised more than 5,000 gallstone flushes throughout his career as a Holistic practitioner.

    Read Gallstones: Ridding Stones Naturally in 24 Hours! and discover…

    • How to get rid of your gallstones naturally in 24 Hours or less!

    • What are gallstones and how are they formed

    • How THOUSANDS of people just like you have been cured of Gallstones naturally

    • The ground-breaking research that led to the revolutionary “Gallbladder Flush”

    • Real-life case studies of people who have cured their gallbladder issues naturally

    • A unique 15-day Alkaline Detoxification Diet that will transform your health

    • Why clearing gallstones naturally also helps to optimise liver functioning

    …….. and much, much more!


    Chapter 1 – Gallstones

    Chapter 2 – What are toxins

    Chapter 3 – Phases of detoxification

    Chapter 4 – Preparing for the detox

    Chapter 5 – The Da Vinci Centre Detoxification Diet

    Chapter 6 – Preparations for the gallbladder flush

    Chapter 7 – Simple rules to avoid gallstones

    Chapter 8 – Case Histories

    “Reading this book has helped many of my patients successfully clear their gallstones without pain and with ease – it’s an amazing protocol!”

    “This book is packed with crystal-clear explanations of why people have gallstones and how to get rid of them using natural treatments and remedies – this really works!”

    “This is a must-read for everyone as gallstone and liver cleanses can be used for prevention as well as curing – there is a lot of fascinating information in a really easy-to-read and friendly format”

    Gallstones: Ridding Stones Naturally in 24 Hours : COVER PREVIEW

  • Haemorrhoids: Natural Treatments That Really Work!  

    Available as Paperback, E-pub and PDF versions!

    Many people with haemorrhoids try to suppress the symptoms with medications or surgery, only to find that their haemorrhoids return as the underlying causative factors have not been identified and removed. This book will help you to understand some of the factors that may be causing your haemorrhoids such as constipation, chronic inflammation, food intolerances, leaky gut, SIBO, Candida, dysbiosis, poor digestion, wrong eating habits and more. Learn how to deal with all these problems naturally in order to cure your haemorrhoids forever without resorting to medications and surgery. Also learn the art and science of detoxifying the body as a whole that will transform your health. Dr Georgiou has extensive clinical experience in treating haemorrhoids using natural approaches.

    Read Haemorrhoids: Natural Healing That Really Works! and discover:

    • How thousands of people just like you have cured their Haemorrhoids naturally using the information in this book.
    • How chronic constipation may be causing your Haemorrhoids and the natural remedies and supplements you need start using today
    • The ground-breaking research conducted by Dr. Georgiou that led to the revolutionary Da Vinci Haemorrhoids Treatment Protocol.
    • How underlying health problems like Candida, Leaky Gut, and SIBO can play a role in your Haemorrhoids
    • How toxins in your food and environment are contributing to your Haemorrhoids and steps on how to avoid them
    • How hidden food intolerances can play a role
    • A complete detoxification process that will radically reduce your Haemorrhoids naturally
    • How the unique 15-day Alkaline Detoxification Diet Plan will transform your health
    • Discover the secrets to vibrant health and wellbeing with exclusive access to the unique protocols developed at the Da Vinci Holistic Health Centre
    • Receive an extensive guide to supplements and holistic remedies that will transform your life.

    …and much, much more!

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 – The Da Vinci Haemorrhoids Treatment Protocol: Be Haemorrhoid Free Forever!
    Chapter 2 – The Holistic Model of Health
    Chapter 3 – Toxicity: Underlying Causes of All Diseases
    Chapter 4 – Detoxification: The Health Secrets of all Time
    Chapter 5 – Food Intolerances, Inflammation and Disease
    Chapter 6 – Candida: The Universal Cause of Many Diseases
    Chapter 7 – Curing with Energy Medicine and Bioresonance
    Chapter 8 – Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual Roots of Diseases

    “Reading this book is a real eye-opener as one would never guess how many causes there are behind someones haemorrhoids – this is a permanent, natural solution to most haemorrhoids”

    “This is a book that takes the reader step-by-step through the various natural treatment methods that are used by Dr Georgiou in his protocols – no more medications and surgery!”

    “There are so many underlying causes of haemorrhoids such as Candida, SIBO, dysbiosis, food intolerance, chronic inflammation, toxicity and more – these natural treatments address all these factors for a permanent cure”

    Haemorrhoids: Natural Treatments : COVER PREVIEW

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Heal Your Gut Naturally in 90 Days!

    Available in Paperback, E-pub and PDF versions!

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is often a debilitating problem that decreases the quality of life. Many people are told by their doctors that they must “live with it!” Dr Georgiou has personally treated hundreds of cases of IBS successfully using the Da Vinci Natural IBS Protocol devised by himself. The underlying causative factors such as food intolerances, dysbiosis, SIBO, leaky-gut, digestive issues, Candida, parasites and more can be maintaining your IBS and this book explains in a simple-to-follow way how to eliminate these causes.

    Read Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Heal Your Gut Naturally in 90 Days and discover ……..

    • How the Da Vinci IBS Natural Treatment protocol has helped many people heal their IBS permanently
    • How uneliminated toxins can accumulate in the body and inflame the gut
    • How toxic vaccinations, medicinal drugs, GMO’s, pesticides, food additives, amalgam fillings and personal care products can be causing your IBS
    • How food intolerances can cause inflammation resulting in IBS
    • How Candida, SIBO, dysbiosis, parasites, lectins and leaky gut can also lead to IBS
    • How nutrient deficiencies, impaired digestion ad constipation can lead to IBS
    • How the Da Vinci Natural IBS Treatment Protocols can heal all the underlying causative factors and make you IBS disappear forever!
    • How to use natural methods including supplements, homeopathics, herbal remedies and bioresonance devices to heal your IBS

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 – Da Vinci Natural IBS Treatment Protocol
    Chapter 2 – The Holistic Model of Health
    Chapter 3 – Toxicity: Underlying causes of all diseases
    Chapter 4 – Detoxification: The Health Secrets of all Time
    Chapter 5 – Food Intolerances, Inflammation and Disease
    Chapter 6 – Candida: The Universal Cause of Many Diseases
    Chapter 7 – Curing with Energy Medicine and Bioresonance
    Chapter 8 – Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual Roots of Diseases

    “Using this drugless Natural Protocol, your IBS can be permanently cured once and for all in only a few weeks”

    “This book clearly explains all the causes of IBS that your doctor is not telling you about – it also explains in simple terms how to treat using Natural means to achieve a permanent cure”

    “IBS can now be a thing of the past if you follow the Da Vinci Natural IBS Treatment Protocol devised by Dr Georgiou – this book has amazing research that will help you to completely eradicate your IBS”

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Heal Your Gut Naturally in 90 Days! (E-book) – 362 pages

  • Lupus: Natural Treatment Protocols for Complete Recovery 

    Available in Paperback, E-pub and PDF versions!

    Lupus is often seen as an incurable disease by many doctors, but this book describes how to cure this disease forever using natural treatments. The book is very well researched and clearly explains the underlying causes of Lupus that need to be eliminated in order to achieve a total cure without medication. There are many underlying symptoms discussed such as chronic inflammation, food intolerance’s, dysbiosis, SIBO, Candida, parasites, lack of pancreatic enzymes and hypochlorhydria and more.

    Read Lupus: Natural Treatment Protocols for Complete Recovery and discover…

    • How hundreds of people like you have cured their Lupus naturally using the information in this book

    • The ground-breaking research led by Dr Georgiou that led to the revolutionary Da Vinci Lupus Treatment Protocol

    • How chronic inflammation is causing your Lupus and how to significantly reduce with a few simple steps

    • How health problems like Candida, leaky gut, and SIBO could be underlying causes of your Lupus

    • How you prescription medications could be contributing to your symptoms of Lupus

    • How toxins in your food and environment are contributing to your Lupus and natural protocols on how to avoid them

    • How to detoxify on many levels to radically reduce your Lupus naturally

    • The unique 15-day Alkaline Detoxification Diet Plan that will transform your health

    • The secrets to vibrant health and well-being with exclusive access to the unique protocols developed at the Da Vinci Health Center

    • The extensive guide to supplements and holistic remedies that will transform your health

    and much, much more…

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 – Da Vinci Lupus Treatment Protocol

    Chapter 2 – The Holistic Model of Health

    Chapter 3 – Toxicity: Underlying causes of all diseases

    Chapter 4 – Detoxification: The Health Secrets of all Time

    Chapter 5 – Food Intolerances, Inflammation and Disease

    Chapter 6 – Candida: The Universal Cause of Many Diseases

    Chapter 7 – Curing with Energy Medicine and Bioresonance

    Chapter 8 – Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual Roots of Diseases

    “This excellent book identifies the causes behind Lupus and provides natural treatment protocols to reverse this disease successfully”

    “If you want to cure your Lupus naturally and come off medications, then this is the book for you – tested at the Da Vinci Holistic Health Center in Cyprus by Dr Georgiou”

    “This is a well-referenced and scientifically researched book that details the causes of Lupus and the natural treatment protocols used by Dr Georgiou to cure many such cases successfully”

    Lupus: Natural Treatment: COVER PREVIEW

  • Osteoarthritis: Natural Drugless Treatments That Really Work! 

    Available as Paperback, E-Pub and PDF versions!

    Osteoarthritis is often a debilitating problem that decreases the quality of life. Many people are told by their doctors that they must “live with it!” Dr Georgiou has personally treated hundreds of cases of Osteoarthritis successfully using the Da Vinci Natural Osteoarthritis Protocol devised by himself. The underlying causative factors such as food intolerances, chronic inflammation, dysbiosis, SIBO, leaky-gut, digestive issues, Candida, parasites and more can be maintaining your Osteoarthritis and this book explains in a simple-to-follow way how to eliminate these causes.


    • • How the Da Vinci Osteoarthritis Natural Treatment protocol has helped many people heal themselves permanently
    • • How toxins and heavy metals can accumulate in the body and inflame the joints
    • • How high ORAC foods and specific antioxidants can be a life-saver for your joints
    • • How food intolerances can cause chronic inflammation resulting in Osteoarthritis
    • • How Candida, SIBO, dysbiosis, parasites, lectins and leaky gut can also lead to Osteoarthritis
    • • How nutrient deficiencies, impaired digestion ad constipation can lead to Osteoarthritis
    • • How Psychological and Emotional factors can be an important factor in Osteoarthritis
    • • How to use natural methods including supplements, homeopathics, herbal remedies and bioresonance devices to heal your Osteoarthritis

    and much, much more…

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 – Da Vinci Natural Osteoarthritis Treatment Protocol
    Chapter 2 – The Holistic Model of Health
    Chapter 3 – Toxicity: Underlying causes of all diseases
    Chapter 4 – Detoxification: The Health Secrets of all Time
    Chapter 5 – Food Intolerances, Inflammation and Disease
    Chapter 6 – Candida: The Universal Cause of Many Diseases
    Chapter 7 – Curing with Energy Medicine and Bioresonance
    Chapter 8 – Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual Roots of Diseases

    “Using this Natural Protocol, without medications, your Osteoarthritis can now be permanently cured once and for all”

    “This book clearly explains all the causes of Osteoarthritis that your doctor is not telling you about – it also explains in simple terms how to treat using Natural means to achieve a permanent cure”

    “Osteoarthritis can now be a thing of the past if you follow the Da Vinci Natural Osteoarthritis Treatment Protocol devised by Dr Georgiou – this book has amazing scientific research that will help you to completely eradicate your Osteoarthritis”

    Osteoarthritis: Natural Treatment: Cover Preview