The METATRON NLS Scan: Harnessing Benefits for Health Assessment and Treatment


Le scanner METATRON NLS (Non-Linear System) est une technologie de diagnostic avancée qui utilise les principes de la physique quantique pour fournir des évaluations complètes de l'état de santé. En analysant les champs électromagnétiques du corps et les interactions énergétiques subtiles, ce système de balayage non invasif offre des informations précieuses sur l'état de santé d'un individu. Dans cet article, nous explorons les avantages du METATRON NLS Scan et la manière dont les données obtenues peuvent aider les patients souffrant de problèmes de santé.

Understanding the METATRON NLS Scan

Le scanner METATRON NLS est basé sur les principes de la physique quantique et de la biorésonance. Il implique l'utilisation d'un logiciel spécialisé et d'un casque de capteurs qui interagissent avec les champs électromagnétiques du corps pour recueillir des données sur divers systèmes physiologiques et organes. Ces données sont ensuite analysées pour identifier les déséquilibres, les perturbations énergétiques et les problèmes de santé potentiels.

Benefits of the METATRON NLS Scan

  1. Comprehensive Health Assessment: The METATRON NLS Scan provides a comprehensive assessment of an individual’s health status. It evaluates multiple systems and organs, including the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, endocrine, immune, and nervous systems. This holistic approach allows for a thorough understanding of potential imbalances and underlying health problems.
  2. Non-Invasive and Painless: The METATRON NLS Scan is non-invasive and painless, making it suitable for individuals of all ages, including children and the elderly. It does not require any needles, physical contact, or exposure to radiation, making it a safe and comfortable diagnostic option.
  3. Early Detection and Prevention: Le scanner METATRON NLS permet de détecter les déséquilibres et les perturbations énergétiques avant l'apparition de symptômes physiques. En identifiant les problèmes de santé potentiels à un stade précoce, les patients et les professionnels de la santé peuvent prendre des mesures proactives pour prévenir la progression des maladies et promouvoir le bien-être général.
  4. Personalized Treatment Approaches: Les données obtenues grâce au scanner METATRON NLS permettent aux professionnels de la santé de développer des approches thérapeutiques personnalisées. En comprenant les déséquilibres spécifiques et les perturbations énergétiques dans le corps d'un individu, les praticiens peuvent recommander des thérapies ciblées, y compris un soutien nutritionnel, des suppléments, des modifications du mode de vie et d'autres approches intégratives pour rétablir l'équilibre et soutenir les mécanismes naturels de guérison du corps.
  5. Monitoring Treatment Progress: The METATRON NLS Scan can be used to monitor the progress of treatment interventions. By periodically conducting follow-up scans, healthcare professionals can assess changes in the body’s energetic patterns and adjust treatment protocols accordingly. This allows for a tailored and individualized approach to healthcare, optimizing treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction.

How the METATRON Can Help Patients with Health Problems

  1. Identifying Underlying Imbalances: The METATRON NLS Scan identifies energetic imbalances within the body that may contribute to health problems. By identifying these imbalances, patients gain insights into potential underlying causes and can address them through targeted interventions.
  2. Assessing Organ Function: The scan provides information about the functioning of various organs and systems. By evaluating organ health and vitality, patients can gain a better understanding of how different systems are contributing to their health problems. This information helps guide treatment approaches and supports overall well-being.
  3. Energetic Disturbance Detection: Le METATRON NLS Scan détecte les perturbations énergétiques qui peuvent avoir un impact sur la santé. Ces perturbations peuvent provenir de facteurs environnementaux, de facteurs de stress émotionnels, de toxines, d'agents pathogènes ou d'autres déséquilibres au sein de l'organisme. En s'attaquant à ces perturbations, les patients peuvent soutenir les mécanismes d'autorégulation du corps et améliorer leur état de santé.
  4. Empowering Patients: The data obtained from the METATRON NLS Scan empowers patients to take an active role in their healthcare journey. By understanding their unique energetic imbalances and disturbances, patients can make informed decisions about lifestyle modifications, nutritional choices, and complementary therapies to support their health goals.

How Does the Metatron Scan Work?

The Metatron NLS has a huge frequency library, which allows the probes on the headpiece (trigger sensors) to send out signals to the selected body organs, cells, or pathogens asking it to identify itself. Various conditions change the course of the metabolic processes in the cells thus initiating changes in oscillation of the cells.

Metatron allows three-dimensional scanning. It passes cellular cuts, tissue cuts, chromosome sets, separates chromosomes, and goes deeper to fragments of the DNA helix. The system records the frequency fluctuations of any cell/tissue/organ and adds them to the many thousands already held in the database for pathology (conditions) testing. Metatron then searches for a remedy that has the closest spectral characteristics of the pathological process and selects the most effective remedy.

Most Advanced Technology

Non-linear analysis systems (NLS) are the most advanced information technologies available this century and can be considered the most remarkable and advantageous accomplishment of modern natural science. The diagnosis equipment is based on the spectral analysis of the vortex magnetic field of any biological object. It is quite unique and unparalleled in the world today.

Le Métatron est non seulement capable de détecter des processus pathologiques dans plus de 250 organes, tissus et cellules, mais il est également capable de déterminer des conditions subcliniques avant qu'elles ne se manifestent en pathologie.

As the patient is being scanned, 3-dimensional anatomical models of the internal organs and physiological systems appear on the screen in front of them. Coloured marks placed on the picture make it easier for the doctor to determine the site of pathology.  It is possible to identify degenerative processes in these organ systems and therefore implement therapeutic protocols in good time.

As these areas of pathology are identified, the software has the capability of going deeper into the organ tissues like a surgeon would take a biopsy and analyze on a cellular level.


The METATRON NLS Scan offers valuable insights into an individual’s health status, providing a comprehensive assessment of multiple physiological systems and organs. Through non-invasive analysis of electromagnetic fields and subtle energy interactions, this scanning system helps identify imbalances, energetic disturbances, and potential health issues. By utilizing the data obtained, healthcare professionals can develop personalized treatment approaches, monitor progress, and support patients in their journey toward improved health and well-being. The METATRON NLS Scan empowers patients to take a proactive approach to their health, addressing underlying imbalances and supporting the body’s natural healing processes. Collaborating with trained healthcare professionals experienced in interpreting METATRON NLS Scan data ensures accurate assessment and personalized recommendations for patients seeking to optimize their health.

Vidéos à regarder :

Metatron Bioresonance Scanning Demonstration

Voir la vidéo sur le diagnostic NLS à l'aide du METATRON
