
Originally Published: 2018

  • Psoriasis: Natural Treatments That Really Work! 

    Available as Paperback, E-pub and PDF versions!

    Psoriasis is often a difficult problem as it can present at any age causing a variety of emotional problems too – the general medical consensus is that there is no known cause. However, this books clearly explains the many underlying causes of Psoriasis such as food intolerances, dysbiosis, leaky gut, nutritional deficiencies, systemic inflammation, toxicity, Candida and more. There is a full description in easy-to-follow steps on how to deal with all these causative factors using a drugless, natural approach.


    How hundreds of people just like you have cured their Psoriasis naturally using the information in this book.
    How systemic inflammation is causing your Psoriasis and how to significantly reduce it with a few simple steps with the anti-inflammatory diet
    How health problems like Candida, Leaky Gut, SIBO, and Food Intolerances could be an underlying cause of your Psoriasis.
    How your prescription medications could be contributing to your symptoms of Psoriasis.
    How toxins in your food and environment are contributing to your Psoriasis and natural protocols on how to avoid them – toxic metals, gluten, stress, diet and lifestyle
    How to detoxify on many levels to radically reduce your Psoriasis naturally.
    The unique 15-day Alkaline Detoxification Diet Plan that will transform your health.
    The secrets to vibrant health and wellbeing with exclusive access to the unique protocols developed at the Da Vinci Health Centre.
    The extensive guide to supplements and holistic remedies that will transform your life.

    …and much, much more!

    “Using this Natural Drugless Protocol, your Psoriasis can now be permanently cured once and for all”

    “This book clearly explains all the causes of Psoriasis that your doctor is not telling you about – it also explains in simple terms how to treat using Natural means to achieve a permanent cure”

    “Psoriasis can now be a thing of the past if you follow the Da Vinci Natural Psoriasis Treatment Protocol devised by Dr Georgiou – this book has amazing scientific research that will help you to achieve optimal health”

    Psoriasis Natural Treatments: COVER PREVIEW

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: Natural Approaches to Pain-Free Living

    Available as Paperback, E-Pub and PDF versions!

    Rheumatoid Arthritis is often seen as an incurable disease by many doctors, but this book describes how to treat this disease naturally and live pain-free forever. This book is very well researched and clearly explains the underlying causes of RA that need to be eliminated in order to achieve optimal health. There are many underlying symptoms discussed such as systemic inflammation, food intolerances, dysbiosis, SIBO, Candida, parasites, toxic metals, gluten, side effects of medications and more.

    Read: Rheumatoid Arthritis: Natural Approaches to Pain-Free Living and discover ………

    • How thousands of people just like you have cured their Rheumatoid Arthritis naturally using the information in this book.

    • The ground-breaking research conducted by Dr. Georgiou that led to the revolutionary Da Vinci Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment Protocol

    • How systemic inflammation is causing your RA and how to significantly reduce it with a few simple steps with the anti-inflammatory diet

    • How health problems like Candida, Leaky Gut, SIBO, and Food Intolerances could be an underlying cause of your RA.

    • How your prescription medications could be contributing to your symptoms of RA.

    • How toxins in your food and environment are contributing to your RA and natural protocols on how to avoid them – toxic metals, gluten, stress, diet and lifestyle

    • How to detoxify on many levels to radically reduce your RA naturally.

    • The unique 15-day Alkaline Detoxification Diet Plan that will transform your health.

    • The secrets to vibrant health and wellbeing with exclusive access to the unique protocols developed at the Da Vinci Health Centre.

    • The extensive guide to supplements and holistic remedies that will transform your life.

    …and much, much more!

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 – Da Vinci Natural Rheumatoid Arthritis Protocol

    Chapter 2 – The Holistic Model of Health

    Chapter 3 – Toxicity: Underlying causes of all diseases

    Chapter 4 – Detoxification: The Health Secrets of all Time

    Chapter 5 – Food Intolerances, Inflammation and Disease

    Chapter 6 – Candida: The Universal Cause of Many Diseases

    Chapter 7 – Curing with Energy Medicine and Bioresonance

    Chapter 8 – Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual Roots of Diseases

    “This excellent book identifies the causes behind Rheumatoid Arthritis and provides natural treatment protocols to reverse this disease successfully and live pain-free”

    “If you want to cure your Rheumatoid Arthritis naturally and live an optimal lifestyle, then this is the book for you – tested at the Da Vinci Holistic Health Center in Cyprus by Dr Georgiou”

    “This is a well-referenced and scientifically researched book that details the causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis and the natural treatment protocols used by Dr Georgiou to cure many such cases successfully”

    Rheumatoid Arthritis: Natural Approaches: COVER PREVIEW

  • Surviving a Nuclear War: Save Your Family and Loved Ones! 

    Available as Paperback, E-pub and PDF versions! 

    This book is the Complete Guide of how to protect yourself and loved ones during Nuclear War. You will learn:

    • Why Nuclear War is an imminent threat you need to be prepared for.

    • The top 7 Radiation myths that are hindering your survival plan.

    • How to set up and stock the best nuclear shelter that will keep you and your loved ones alive.

    • The top twenty foods to stock your shelter with and how to store them effectively.

    • Life-saving ways of collecting water that will keep you and your family safe.

    • The safest methods of effectively treating radiation sickness and burns.

    • The best natural remedies you need to stock up on right now.

    • The most effective detoxification practices for healing from radiation.

    and much much more…

    Table Of Contents

    Chapter 1: How To Survive A Nuclear War
    Chapter 2: Radiation Effects On The Body
    Chapter 3: How To Prepare For Nuclear Fallout
    Chapter 4: Food For Survival
    Chapter 5: Water For Survival
    Chapter 6: Radioprotective Foods
    Chapter 7: Radiation Detoxification
    Chapter 8: Radioprotective Natural Remedies
    Chapter 9: Radioprotective Homeopathic Remedies

    “This book can save your life! It is easy to follow and takes you through step-by-step instructions on how to prepare for a nuclear war and its after-effects”

    “Before reading this book I was always under the impression that it was impossible to survive a nuclear war, but now I am certain that with the correct preparation it is feasible. This is a life-saving book that every family should read”

    “Nuclear war is a frightening thought as many people think that it is the end. This book demythologises a lot of the myths around nuclear war and describes in details how you can prepare for your survival and that of your loved ones. Everyone should be reading this book”

    Surviving a Nuclear War : COVER PREVIEW


    Available as Paperback, E-Pub and PDF versions!

    Behind all chronic diseases there is a myriad of causes that keep the disease alive. Simply suppressing the symptoms with medications will not help to eliminate the underlying causes. This book discusses many of the “hidden” causes that are often overlooked in chronic disease and what you can do about them using Natural healing protocols. Topics such as toxins, nutritional deficiencies, electromagnetic fields, digestive disorders, tooth foci and psychoemotional and Spiritual causes are discussed. There are chapters on the Holistic Model of Health, finding the causes of your disease, effect of toxins, heavy metals, parasites, Candida, food intolerances, electromagnetic fields, geopathic stress, tooth foci and natural treatment protocols to help with all these.

    Read  Why Am I Sick? Eliminate the Causes and Be Well Forever! and discover…

    • How it is possible to recover completely from chronic disease using Holistic Medicine
    • What is Holistic Medicine and how can this approach help you
    • The underlying causes behind your disease process and how to overcome them
    • How your teeth and scars and other foci can be one cause of disease
    • The IDEL Diagnostic Programme formulated by Dr Georgiou and how this is critical to understanding chronic diseases
    • The importance of our psycho-emotional and Spiritual state in overcoming chronic diseases
    • The importance of bespoke nutrition in healing your body
    • The many secrets of proper detoxification to cure yourself forever

    and much, much more!

    E-Book: Why Am I Sick?: COVER PREVIEW

  • د. جورج جورجيو  Ph.D.,N.D.,DSc (AM)

    هو عالم أحياء، أخصائي قزحية، أخصائي في العلاج الطبيعي، أخصائي علاج
    بالأعشاب، أخصائي في المعالجة التجانسية، أخصائي تغذية، أخصائي في الرنين الحيوي،
    أخصائي علاج بالإبر، أخصائي علم النفس الإكلينيكي وأخصائي علم الجنس الإكلينيكي.

    عمل كطبيب معظم حياته وهو مدير مؤسس مركز دافنشي للصحة الشاملة في لارنكا،

    (www. naturaltherapycenter.com)
     المتخصص في العلاج الطبيعي للأمراض المزمنة
    وإزالة سموم المعادن الثقيلة والتخلص من الكانديدا والعديد من المشاكل الصحية
    الأخرى، وهو أيضًا المدير المؤسس لمعهد دافنشي للطب الشمولي
    (www. collegenaturalmedicine.com) وكذلك مركز أبحاث دافنشي للعلوم البيولوجية، مؤلف
    ل 23 كتابا، طبيب ممارس وباحث.


    اقرأ كتاب لماذا أمرض، دليلك إلى صحة تدوم طويلاً واكتشف:


    كيف يمكن التعافي تمامًا من الأمراض المزمنة باستخدام
    الطب الشمولي

    ما هو الطب الشمولي وكيف يمكن أن يساعدك هذا

    الأسباب الكامنة وراء عملية المرض وكيفية التغلب عليها

    كيف يمكن أن تكون أسنانك وندباتك وغيرها من البؤر
    سبباً للإصابة بالمرض

    برنامج تشخيص IDEL الذي اكتشفه الدكتور جورجيو، وكيف يكون مهمًا
    لفهم آلية الأمراض المزمنة

    أهمية حالتنا النفسية والعاطفية والروحية في
    التغلب على الأمراض المزمنة

    أهمية التغذية المفصلة في شفاء جسمك

    العديد من الأسرار الصحيحة إزالة السموم لعلاج نفسك
    إلى الأبد

    الكثير الكثير !


    Why I am Sick (Arabic ) Cover Preview

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