Psoriasis: Natural Treatments That Really Work!
Available as Paperback, E-pub and PDF versions!
Psoriasis is often a difficult problem as it can present at any age causing a variety of emotional problems too – the general medical consensus is that there is no known cause. However, this books clearly explains the many underlying causes of Psoriasis such as food intolerances, dysbiosis, leaky gut, nutritional deficiencies, systemic inflammation, toxicity, Candida and more. There is a full description in easy-to-follow steps on how to deal with all these causative factors using a drugless, natural approach.
How hundreds of people just like you have cured their Psoriasis naturally using the information in this book.
How systemic inflammation is causing your Psoriasis and how to significantly reduce it with a few simple steps with the anti-inflammatory diet
How health problems like Candida, Leaky Gut, SIBO, and Food Intolerances could be an underlying cause of your Psoriasis.
How your prescription medications could be contributing to your symptoms of Psoriasis.
How toxins in your food and environment are contributing to your Psoriasis and natural protocols on how to avoid them – toxic metals, gluten, stress, diet and lifestyle
How to detoxify on many levels to radically reduce your Psoriasis naturally.
The unique 15-day Alkaline Detoxification Diet Plan that will transform your health.
The secrets to vibrant health and wellbeing with exclusive access to the unique protocols developed at the Da Vinci Health Centre.
The extensive guide to supplements and holistic remedies that will transform your life.
…and much, much more!
“Using this Natural Drugless Protocol, your Psoriasis can now be permanently cured once and for all”
“This book clearly explains all the causes of Psoriasis that your doctor is not telling you about – it also explains in simple terms how to treat using Natural means to achieve a permanent cure”
“Psoriasis can now be a thing of the past if you follow the Da Vinci Natural Psoriasis Treatment Protocol devised by Dr Georgiou – this book has amazing scientific research that will help you to achieve optimal health”
Psoriasis Natural Treatments: COVER PREVIEW